I am finding the selection of SID at LFPG always causes my FMC to stop responding requiring a reload and then manual departure route programming. Is this because (with Navigraph) there are more than 99 SIDS w/transitions and no option to select those that appear with 3 digits?
Has anyone else experienced this?


  • There were something like this few years back with French airports having more than 99 SIDs. Apparently it has been solved, I do not remember how, and I just did some tests now with P3Dv4.4 and it looks OK.
    Please tell us what transition is giving you this problem and are you using FSX or Prep3dv4?

  • Hi tredsell,
    on some airports I encounter the same problem. What does the trick for me is to not select a particular runway prior to selecting the SID. Select the appropiate SID right away and it should work as expected.

  • Hi both

    Thanks for the replies. I’m not sure if the exact SID/transition but will check when I can. I think I found you could not select the SID without the runway as it was in excess of 99 choices, but I’ll clarify that ASAP.
  • Having just checked on turnaround in LFPG, when selecting the runway for departure, the MCDU locks up in the following form. Operating the latest P3DV4.4 with Windows 10 (running as admin) .
    Interestingly enough, the MCDU begins to work after several minutes, but without the selections remaining and repeating the attempt to pick a runway, results in another lockup for me.

  • Having checked your issue, the FMS is not really "locked-up" its performing a search to see which SIDs are applicable for the chosen runway. In my case it took about 20 - 25 seconds to populate the data (this could take longer depending on your system), and yes some functions of the aircraft will pause working momentarily until the SID selections are available.

    You however, did state that you are not able to see the available SIDs for the selected runway; is that correct? I am able to see all the available SIDs. If there is any additional information that you could supply to help in providing a repeatable scenario let us know.

    Not sure there is much that we can do, but we'll most certainly have a look at it to see if there is an underlying issue.


  • Hi Kroswynd,

    Thanks for getting back to me. Fired up the sim to test this with a fresh running process- not on the turnaround. It took around 30-40 seconds (Previously I had just been restarting the sim assuming the FMS had crashed). Its correct that it wasn't showing the available SIDs after the search, but on the 3rd attempt at selecting a runway, it did work and loaded properly after about a minute from starting the process..

    I guess it perhaps is working, but maybe my system is 'throttling' the process before it completes?

    Either way, if I can repeat it until it works then I'm happy with that.

    Looks more stunning than ever in V4 btw :smiley: Dynamic lights at work...

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