I am just wondering if other operators experience my problem.Frequently my set up goes fine then all of a sudden the next time i star up my controls go competly out of sink .To me i think it seems to happen after a Win10 update,It takes me a while to get things back on track again really annoyoing perfer to be flying this wonderfull aircraft..........Regards robin stevens
Unfortunately, at this time, the only fix is to re-install the Q400, as some Win10 Updates seems to interfere with the protection system of the Q400.
My downloads have exhausted sent a seperate email to have it reinstated.Have not received a reply to date am most anxious to get up and running again............regards robin
Hello Robin,
I'll check in with the Support Dept. and see if it was received. Bear in mind that we are in different pasts of the world and it can take up to 24 hours for a response.
Kroswynd have now sent two emails but no response i notice sending a support email that the email address finishes with a sem colin is this correct...............Robin
The semi colon is not necessary (if you were sending to multiple people the semi colon would separate the email addresses), but should not prevent the email from being sent depending on the type of email composer that you are using
Sent message thru your web site no response as yet...............Robin
Apologies for the delay, with the rebuilding of the server everything is being controlled from a central location at this time. I have put in a request to try to have the reinstatement expedited.
thanks Kroswynd....................robin
Just to make sure ....you did get the installations reinstated....correct?
All pending emails have been responded to per the Boss.
Keep me posted plz.
Sorry no still get install exhausted............................Robin
Ok something does not seem to be right. support (at) majesticsoftware (dot) com
I'll be sure to have the Boss looking out for it, as there were not any pending requests as of last night
Kindly send again, and thank you for your patience.
have just sent a request........................Robin
If this does not work i may send it again thru my email and not your web site
Have just received a message from frolov they have reset my downloadsirrespective of the details required.However will be interested to see if you received my last message.Have now loaded a reinstall thankyou for your help.............Robin
Good, as it seems as though your email never came through to us. When you use the option via the website it should ask what application you want to use to send your email (Gmail, Outlook, etc.).