Fuel loading PRO - strange problem

OK, here I am again, sorry.

It is taking a lot of effort to learn this baby and just when I thought I was ready for a full flight from Cold & Dark...

So I planned my flight on PFPX and started to prepare the aircraft. All well until I came to loading the fuel (route went OK). I opened the Control Panel (with Admin Rights). I inserted all data and hit Calculate. All fine. Then I hit Send data to Flightsim. All "almost fine".

At the first moment, the new fuel kgs appear on the aircraft (which, strangely, PAUSES after I send to flighsim!!!!) but after 5-7 seconds the old fuel amounts (full tanks) come back.

In short: I send fuel and weight data, sim pauses, few seconds later the fuel goes back to full tanks.

Any ideas?



  • This happened again today. When I send the weight and balance from Control Panel to flight SIM, the flight Sim pauses.

  • The sim is supposed to pause. That is the only way for the information to get written to the Q400. As for the data not being retained, sounds like a windows "permissions" issue.
    Which sim are you using? How/where do you have it installed? (Ex: C:\program files...)

  • As @Jax_in_BC mentioned the SIM by default is paused whenever data is sent from the CPAN to the Q400, and the aircraft will remain paused until the user unpauses the simulator. Now, what you are experiencing regarding the fuel value returning to the previous load is somewhat odd, as we have not dealt with this issue before. we would appreciate if you could provide a short video link to the steps that you follow to replicate this problem.

    Thank you

  • Understood about the pause.

    This issue happened once. Today, for example, all went fine. If this happens again I will record a video for sure.


  • Thanks for the heads up
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