Various polishing requests for Visual Extension Pack

Hi everyone,

first of all, let me say that I love the Visual Extension Pack, it really gives the lady a lot of extra quality. So thanks for that!
As this package is all about visuals, please let me share some small niggles I came across during the last day of flying.

On either side of the OHP, there's a small gap allowing the sky to bleed trough:

There's a little corner of the interior model clipping through the fuselage:

The heating ribbon on the Captain's window has a little corner clipping through the glass:

Tow little gaps at the nose, allowing the exterior to bleed through:

The side windows on either side have some offset to their fittings, creating some quite visible gaps around the borders:

And I wonder if you could consider a complete shadow model for the VC, so that it casts a full fuselage instead of just the cockpit compartment and wings? Landing gears would be great aswell, but if there was at least a basic tube, horzitonal and vertical stabilizer, that would be a huge improvement for the casted shadows.

Thank you in advance for any considerations and fixes!

Kind regards


  • Hello thanks for words of appreciation and the feed back, well add the items that need tweaking for an update.

  • Thanks for your reply and taking care of those!

    Should I notice any more items, I'd allow myself to add them to this thread, because as we're speaking, that is already the case. :smiley:

    On both Captain's and FO's side:
    Left circle: The light assemblies (I think that's what those are) are clipping through the windshield
    Right circle: There's a portion of the cockpit walls clipping through the nose cone

    One more time thank you so much for this plane, I fell in love with her once again! <3 :wink:

  • Thank you, the issues were entered in our bug tracking system

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