Plane stutter and unflyable after warp
Hi I moved the plane with map in p3dv5 and now the plane stutters and does not seem to recover.
What to do?
And a little side note... the cabin music plays all the time also airborne.
I have expansion and pro version.
All the best
Jens Michlas
Frederiksberg, Greater Copenhagen - DK
Moving the aircraft via the MAP feature is not a common method and I could see where it may cause unknown issues especially for the unrecoverable event. The aircraft operate technically in a slewed mode regarding the flight model where the simulator platform is used more so as a scenery generator. Moving the aircraft in MAP mode may require you to ensure that the aircraft 's altitude and speed are set to 0 (not sure if that will work as it was something that we did not see the need to test.
The stutters, a bit difficult to say what the issue may be, although just moving it via the MAP mode should not cause stutters. If you use FSUIPC's autosave that has been know to cause issues with the aircraft.
Thank you for the answer.. Do you now how to move the plane better?
If you are attempting to move the aircraft while in flight to a set location i.e. practicing approaches, then I have found a utility called FSiPanel which allows for this and it does it seamlessly once properly configured.
When I have a moment I will give it a try and see if I encounter the same results as you do.
Thank you very much for your answer and efforts..