Navigraph data
I periodically update navigraph data but certainly not every airac cycle. When using the Garmin G1000 for example I check important data like ils freq against the current approach chart in case there are differences. So far I have not been able to find a way to check what data is in the Q400 database. Can this be done with the FMS ?
I dont know whether its helpful: Start the FMS, run selftest and then on Page Init 1/1 you find "Standard/Extended NAV Database expires (Date)". So you know the date of the last update.
That would have some value but it still will not tell me what the localizer frequency is for the runway I'm using to land. I would assume if I input the localizer frequency from a current approach chart and it was different from what was in the fms database then I would get some kind of error message. Normally, what I would do is input the setting in the database, but to do that you have to know what is in the database.