Sound Volume Control FSX PRO Win10
I am a recent purchaser of pro version Q400 and am in the learning process. The sound of the engines are too loud in cockpit and FSX sound menu sliders seem to be ineffective. If I turn down my speaker volume to an endurable level, I am unable to hear the ATC or GSX broadcasts. The control panel seems only to address the choice of speakers for output but nothing for volume. I have turned up the VF1 volume to max but still too quiet if I turn down my speaker volume on my system. There must be a way to adjust the proportion of engine vs. environment vs. voice volume in the simulation. How can it be done?
Manual adjustments to sounds can be done via the mjc84.ini under the [SOUND] section.
The only adjustments I see on the sound page are to determine the choice of the sound output. I can find nothing to adjust the volumes. If I am missing something please inform me.
Aah! I found it. Thanks
Sorry to bring this back but could you show screenshots so I know what I should be changing to reduce the engine noises etc as they over power everything. If playing music in the back ground while streaming I have to raise the music and its all too loud
@freddy - thanks for addressing this.