Program engine fire failure

Hi everyone. I've the pro version, and I try to arm an engine fire failure, with the sim, but
Doesn't work, and in the system panel only have electrical, hydraulics, or avionics failures.
What can I do?


  • Engine failures are only provided as a selection from the training version onwards. However, if I read this correctly the other day, you can write your own script for it, but I have no idea about it

  • > @FraPre said:
    > Engine failures are only provided as a selection from the training version onwards. However, if I read this correctly the other day, you can write your own script for it, but I have no idea about it

  • edited February 2021

    If you are unfamiliar with scripting you can get FSiPanel which will allow for engine failures, not sure about fires.


    You can have a look at the scripts folder in the mjc8q400 folder for an example on script creating.
    If you run into issues feel free to drop us a line for possible support, but we will not spoon feed you on how to write the script as the function you seek is not intended for the PRO edition.


    You'll have to await the release of the a training edition.

  • Thanks for your answer.

    The FSI panel, it's the same of the FSI weather?

    Because it's the one I use. And the issues about the scripts, no idea how to use it.

  • After reading some post about this,I found something anyway i found the file of the default fails of the powerplant,but i have not idea of how I can to edit the scripts for work on it,please if anybody read this and he can to send mi the file after editing for works,i will very gratefull.

    thanks to everyone.

  • @dani3282 said:
    Thanks for your answer.

    The FSI panel, it's the same of the FSI weather?

    Because it's the one I use. And the issues about the scripts, no idea how to use it.


  • > @kroswynd said:
    > @dani3282 said:
    > Thanks for your answer.
    > The FSI panel, it's the same of the FSI weather?
    > Because it's the one I use. And the issues about the scripts, no idea how to use it.
    > Thanks

    Thanks, but I still using P3D V2,5, for my old pc, and seems don't going to work
    On this version of sim. It's too old, on the page only gives
    Options for v4 and v5.
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