GSX sends Q400 into the sky.
I have a problem with in regards to GSX and the Q400. On about 4 flights this past month I have had my Q400 all ready for engine start per the check lists, and as I am finishing my pushback, and starting my first engine, all of the sudden GSX sends my plane into the sky without waring. All I know right before it happens the front nose gear is bent like it should be when a tug is turning it. Am not sure what is going on. Any help to explain this would be appreciated. Am using P3d V4.5 and a freeware KPDX airport.
Thank you and have a great flight everyone.
Are you abke to replicate the issue at other airports?
Hi DavidQ400,
As you are saying that the pushback is finishing before the Q400 "takes off". I originally thought that a control conflict may be the issue. Now I am not so certain.
Since GSX works by putting the Q400 into slew mode to enable the pushback of the aircraft. Any controller having an axis assignment set to move the aircraft while in slew mode, will cause the aircraft to just "fly off," seemingly uncontrolled unless said control axis is centred.
As a test, you could try loading up the Q400 and entering slew mode. If the Q400 starts to fly away, then it could be a control assignment issue. While in slew mode, try moving your controllers (one at a time) through their range of travel. If one of them changes the speed/direction of the aircraft, then your issue is being caused by that particular axis/controller. Deleting the "slew" assignments for all controllers, should solve the problem.
The other option is it may be a conflict with the airport afcad.
Hey guys I apologies for the late response been busy with work. I just did some tests I think it has something to do with MJC8 Control Panel. After I apply the payload changes to the aircraft I noticed the nose wheel turning during pushback which is exactly what happened before the plane went air born. I had to re install this aircraft in the past month so maybe it had an effect on the MJC8 control panel.
As a test can you disable your input devices in the simulator assuming you are using the default binding protocol within P3D prior to commencing the pushback with GSX, as a test to also see if the same things happens.
Also have you attempted using to built in pushback feature via the FMS to see if it happens there as well?
The nose wheel turning event should be in unison with the pushback tug (providing the nose steering switch is in the off position) as it becomes a free castoring nose wheel and should straighten up the tug driver re-centers the nose wheel when the push back is complete.
Hello I just did a test with the built in pushback and it worked without any problems but the gsx pushback is still having problems even as I disconnect my joystick from my computer before the push back.
Did not get a response on a question asked in my earlier post.
Are you able to replicate the issue at other airports?</>
When loading the aircraft via the CPAN, is the aircraft within CG limits?
Have to ask as I don't know your level of understanding of the CPAN as some users in the past have invoked their own issues by improper loading of the aircraft.
It is unfortunate that we are unable to identify your issue at this time. Have you tried reaching out to the developer of GSX to see if he may have some insight?
Keep us posted.
That's a good idea I will ask them and let you guys know, as for your other questions yes it happens at other airports, and yes the aircraft is within CG limits.