Nav Database Update
I use Navigraph airac and have updated it to 2113 for this plane.
On the init page in the fmc it says the database is 17-Jun-20.
The database has not updated as it does not contain stars for an airport I fly to as I compare them to my Navigraph charts.
What can I do to correct this?
Thanks Paul
Where to upload the nav data installer for the “Majestic Software MJC8-Q400” (Mejestic or Navigraph?); cannot find for P3Dv5.3
I am using P3D v4.5. I recently updated my Navigraph files and had no issues.
This is the path in the "Navigraph FMS Data Manager" program:
... and the files actually end up in:
Check to see if your Navigraph files are indeed ending up in the correct folder as per above. There will be a "cycle_info.txt" (or similar) in that folder which you can open to see the AIRAC version information. (I don't actually know, but I will assume the same details above would still apply if you are using P3D v5.)
Are you pointing the navigraph installer to your root folder where the Q400 is installed. Once this is done the navigraph installer will install the files to your NAV folder..
If you are unable to get this working one can always perform a manual installation by copying the files to the NAV folder.