Editing Pilot Waypoints / Repair of failures
Anyway to edit and/or delete pilot created waypoints? I enter pseudo waypoints for for some approaches to simulate radar vectoring instead of using FSX ATC. Over time my list has built up. I found a directory that contained my saved flightplans that allows me to delete unused ones but the pilot waypoints are compiled so I can't edit or delete them from their directory and the FMS seemingly does not provide such option as far as I am aware. But again I am new to this so maybe someone knows of a way.
On another point: the literature states that use of each model is being tracked for normal failure rates and there is an announcement to that effect each time I load up the aircraft. If I do have a failure how can I summon maintenance to fix it? That option in the FMS is not available for selection.
Please disregard these questions. I found the answers within the literature. Thank you. But still have a problem with the APU refusing to shutdown properly. See my later post
Thanks for the info. I will just shift my view up to the overhead instead then. Using the SH-3 2D is my preference, however, since it provides quicker access during times of heavy workload without the need to re-adjust my cockpit view.