AP disengages when switching from HDG to NAV mode [CLOSED]
I'm finally learning to fly the Q400 after spending a lot of time in groundschool. Discovering new things all the time which is great. One thing I came across today that has me stumped sofar :
Flying on autopilot in HDG mode to intercept a set VOR inbound. When OBI needle came alive, switched to NAV mode to initiate intercept - and AP promptly disengaged. Searched docs and this forum for reason why, but no luck. Can anyone advise me what I did wrong ? Yes I could simply fly LNAV, but that's not the point
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Disregard my earlier post : I obviously needed a bit more groundschool
Today completed a NZAA to NZRO via NZHN run, navigating via low altitude VOR tracking, followed by a VOR DME Arc approach and manual landing.
Didn't want to get into flying FMS routes (and progressing to VATSIM) before at least familiarising with basic navigation (call me old-fashioned if you like).
More landing practice needed too, but that's for another day - don't want to stretch my luck too far on our wedding anniversary