Cannot find 1025a patch in User Area
As the topic title states the download link for the patch is no longer available in the user area.
I've used Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers all with the same result. The version 1025 and installations remaining appear but are not clickable, and the 1025a or 1025b patchs do not appear at all.
The 1025a and 1025b patches are the only files that I need as I was able to get the base installer from the vendor.
Please advise.
Thank you
Are you sure, that you used the right order number to access the user area? It differs from version to version. So double check the order number for teh version you are installing.
Out of curiosity I looked for the patch files under my pro edition order number and found the files there. I was confused because I installed the training edition and was looking for the files with that order number. I’ll try installing the new files later. Hopefully they will work. Thank you Reinhard.
I don't think, that it is a good idea to mix editions. There must be something wrong with your account. I see these files in my user area:

I suggest you contact us via our Support email to have this issue addressed.
Cannot even use the USER AREA link as it does not work. Having a considerable number of DLC that I have to update, etc. I seem to have major issues only here.!!!
Did you attempt to contact our Support department, providing that you have used the correct order number, and also have you tried a different browser.