Incorrect MAPt for RNP APCH

edited March 9 in General

Platform : P3Dv5
Version : v1.026 Training
Position : LSGG RWY04

Description : When loading ILS04, everything seems fine; when loading RNAV04, the MAPt altitude shows 4000ft, which is the next WPT's altitude. If next WPT have no altitude limit, this issue will not occur.

Assumption : Q400 mistakenly read the next WPT's altitude limit for MAPt, which will lead to a incorrect VNAV Path.

For example: Changelog v1.026 saids "Fixed the case where MAP is far ahead of runway, like RNP-Y-08 Innsbruck", but when loading this procedure into MJC, the MAPt "WI814" shows as "RW08", the runway mark shows, also the altitude limit is "1907".
Although the altitude can change in CDU, but CDU can not accept input less than 100, it read the input as FL (eg. 58 will read as FL058).

Suggestion : Change the logic for MAPt. Now the MJC using airport's elevation for MAPt's altitude, runway number for it's name.
It will be much better if it read the actual data (both name and altitude) in NavData, even if the MAPt is the runway.
Since the NavData have added TCH for APCH, it will keep us clear from aiming to the runway threshold for 0 feet AGL.


  • edited March 9

    What to expect :
    The CDU reads the data exactly as in NavData and chart.

    By reading the actual waypoint name and altitude, the plane can execute more RNAV procedure.

  • Thanks for the insight, we'll have a look into this.


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