CTD and cannot solve, need help!!
Dear colleagues,
I need your help. For some reason, I cannot fathom, since about 11am yesterday, I cannot fly the Dash. ( I have not flown it for about fourteen days so error started yesterday). I hit a CTD normally within 10 minutes of setting up and moving mostly once airbourne and sometimes on the ground. There is a short pause, the sound goes, then the CTD. It can take about five minutes after set up before it happens. As the saying is I have lost hours of my life I will not get back! The issue/ windows log shows the following:
C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Prepar3D.exe
The ntdll.dll is well documented via the internet. The only recent changes I made were to install Orbx Central and their new EGLC for P3D. I have since uninstalled and reinstalled these to no avail. Every other aircraft I have both payware, PMDG, QW, FS Labs, Carenado Premier etc and default work without error.
So what have I done so far? Ensured W10 is up to date. Checked my Virus settings and turned antivirus (Norton) off. Looked at Avsims PDF for CTDs and amended where suggested. Deleted cfg file. Reinstalled P3D shaders. Ensured my Nvidia GTX driver is up to date. Initially I thought it may have been a Team Speak issue via IVAP as the CTD sometimes occurred on line. Checked that and Vpilot as CTD on line with Vatsim. No obvious issues. I have redownloaded the Patch for P3D V4 and installed. I have checked my drivers (found a sound one that needed updating). Reinstalled FS2Crew and updated GSX. Tried both on line and offline. CTD occurs with either. Not added any Dash liveries. Completely uninstalled and reinstalled. There is clearly something that is effecting the Dash but I am at a loss to figure it out. I have been simming for almost forty years. Never have I been unable to resolve an issue such as this for so long. I would welcome any ideas/suggestions/guidance. I have looked over previous CTD posts in our Majestic Forums and tried solutions. I am keen to get the Dash airborne soonest!!
My system. W10. Intel I7-8700K 3.70 overclocked to 4.2. 32 GB Ram. Nvidia GE GTX 1081i 12 GB. 1TB SSD.
Kind regards,
Keith Giannoni
Just a quick update. I have resolved the matter. Trawling through the internet, I found some older entries where problems with the Dash had been encountered using the Rex/Milviz weather radar. I had forgotten I had bought and installed this programme about four weeks ago!! I simply uninstalled it and the CTD stopped immediately. Frankly, I cannot be bothered right now to reinstall the REX radar as I do not want to waste more time now things are working. I'll check it out again sometime in the future.
It is also another reminder that when things suddenly go wrong in the Sim, the first check should always be to establish what you have changed recently as that may be the culprit causing the problem.
This should help for future issues.
We have been working in the past with REX/Milviz to make the Weather Radar add-on compatible with the Q400, but there are a few snags that still need to be addressed and at this time it will cause a CTD if attempting to use it, or REX's weather engine, IF you have the WXAR switch in the mjc84.ini file set to 1