TOLD performance calculator (Win 10)
Hi guys,
so I've been bugged by the lack of the actual AOM since the day I bought this superb model. I've even reached to Bombardier back in the day to request a copy that would have not make public but they kindly refused because "we only give those to actual customers". Fair enough!
While you can fly this model perfectly well just by getting the Vs from the provided pdfs and reducing TOP by...intuition alone, I usually fly as real as I can so not having a TOPCAT profile or the AOM is a bit frustrating.
I still don't have the AOM or any other manual not provided by MajesticSoftware, I embarked yesterday to make an app (console app in Windows 10) that'll give me the V-speeds, a good estimation of the maximum derate I can take and V-speeds for landing, given of course some parameters. I seem to remember a post that there is an actual app for this on Apple-OS systems made with the actual AOM. However, I don't own anything Apple so this is for you guys in the same situation as me. I may move this to an Android app as I already have a TO performance app for the B733 (think IXEG ) made with the actual AOM, but free-time is tight so...
The main reference point pertaining to TO performance is the V1 speed. V1 is the speed at which the plane should be able to stop before the end of the runway. So it's logical to assume that the take-off run should contain the leg of acceleration to V1 and the brake from V1 to 0. This give the minimum runway length of the take-off. If the actual runway is longer than this, than de-rating can be applied. If it's smaller than this, than either using more flaps (lower V1) or MTOP (more power) may do the trick. If not...take-off is not permitted!
So using different weights (TOW) I accelerated to V1 (using NTOP), measured the acceleration distance (using pixel data in Paint), then put the brakes on (wheel and reversers all the way) and measured the braking distance. The acceleration distance gives me a good estimation of the actual acceleration at that weight (equations of motion). The data taking was made in ISA conditions at near 0 MSL altitude (LIRF). I can then correct this acceleration for any conditions (airport elevation and temperature) using the barometric formula.
Knowing the acceleration, the V1 speed (computed by extrapolating on the tables we got from Majestic Software), the braking distance and the runway length, the app can compute a maximum derate (never lower than 80% Torque, as per manual). Furthermore, if the acceleration needed to make the safe take-off is a bit higher than what is expected at NTOP than a "MTOP required" message will be given. The pilot can choose to go MTOP or increase flaps position to lower V1. If the safe take-off cannot be obtained even in MTOP than a "TAKEOFF NOT PERMITTED" message will be shown followed by "INCREASE FLAPS POSITION" if applicable (not already at flaps 15).
To install the app go here and copy the installer. You will have a new folder inside your Program Files (x86) or whereever you've installed it called TOdash. In a command prompt window (cmd) just run the app and you'll get all the help you will need.
Hope you like it and makes the immersion that much deeper,
Is this no longer available? Dropbox link is invalid.
Hi @sho69607,
all my apps are now placed here. You can download this one from there too. If you cannot, please let me know.
That worked. Thank you so much!
Would be nice to have it on Android! Thank you for your work
I just get the "Wrong usage message" when I trie to use it... no idea how I can give it the data it needs.
Hi @Rhinozherous,
I just get the "Wrong usage message" when I trie to use it... no idea how I can give it the data it needs.
So the app needs:
[kg] [ft] temperature [C] [m] ['] [kts]
TOW - take off weight in kgs
airport elevation - in feet (published on the charts)
temperature - airport temperature in deg. C (from the METAR)
rwy length - length of the runway (I usually take 100 m from the published value on the charts)
rwy slope - slope of the runway in deg, arcsin[(eore-sore)/rwy length] (not implemented in FSX or P3D)...eore and sore are start of runway elevation and end of runway elevation
icing flag - 0 (zero) or 1 (one) for taking off in icing conditions or not
wet flag - 0 (zero) or 1(one) for a wet runway or dry
wind component - wind component washing the length of the runway in kts while taking off
for example:

.\TOperfD8HD.exe 24000 5 313 23 2500 0 0 0 7 works as this Dash-8 takes off with 24 tonnes in a flaps 5 configuration from an airport found at 313 ft elevation at a temperature of 23 C, with a runway of 2.5 km in length and no slope, no icing, no rain and 7 kts blowing from the nose
Would be nice to have it on Android!
. I haven't fired up my Android Studio in a while...I'll let you know.
Yes, I would think so. However, as I also have 4 Android apps on Google Play too, I know how time consuming is to make those apps and making that GUI is most of that thing. Furthermore, my mother tongue is C++ and Java seems like an unnecessary...bullshit. Having said that, I don't exclude doing the app in my "extended free time"
Hope this helps,
Thank you very much! I didnt realize that I should write it after the exe in the cmd prompt! Sorry :P
no problem, @Rhinozherous! Glad to be of help