Shared Cockpit Only Works One Way
Hi all,
I am setting up the Dash 8 for shared cockpit. All ports on both sides are configured correctly and this is proven by the fact that if I am master and my colleague is slave, my changes affect his aircraft.
It does not work the other way around though. Both the control panel and our routers have the correct ports configured.
Any ideas?
Resolved by using Hamachi.
Tanks for the heads up, but normally when there is partial connectivity between two users its indicative of a port not being opened. Of course there can be underlying issues such as the ISP, etc.
What I can suggest is that both of you use the same port for sending and receiving (as a test) to see if you are successful. Or you can continue using Himachi, never used it so we unfortunately would not be able to provide support on the platform for Shared Cockpit flying.