Vnav constraint

About vnav. is supposed correct follow altitude constraint because when approach rnav
Vnav don't follow exact altitude constraint.


  • Hello, for such questions, please always post pictures of the PFD, MFD, the VNAV page and the FPLN page with the complete approach of the MCDU. Something has been posted on this topic several times, just look for it, the problems were actually always resolved.

  • edited October 2020

    Sorry but I don't find anything on the last post about my issue.

  • edited October 2020

    Kisik altitude constraint I must to be to 1220 feet,my current altitude 1440 feet.
    My vnav path is ok but don't follow exact constraint. Look papi is ok as well.

  • Please Pictures! Sometimes you have to see a lot in context. So please write which routing from ... to ..., which Rwy, which STAR.

  • Look my before text link picture
  • But i beleive my issue is because it's radar altitude and not altitude sea level
  • that is correct

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