Tactile Control Steering (TCS) indication
when the autopilot is on and we use the trim buttons on the steering wheel, we see the indication (TCS), so it should be??
I thought that only if we press the TCS button(on the steering wheel) and will hold it, then only in this case should there be an indication.
Keep us posted.
I just want to know is this correct logic? and also what is the default TCS button?
More than likely it is bound in the mjc84.ini (simply remove that line to disable the TCS especially if it is not a feature that you use), and you have that button also assigned via whatever button binding process for the SIM

in sim for this joystick button only trim dn:
the same button in mjc84.ini:
how do i set another joystick button for TCS?
After several tests, I figured out what the problem is
the button numbers assigned in the mjc84.ini:differ from the real ones on the joystick and sim key assignmets too, eg:
real ones on the joystick and sim key assignmets:
button 3
How to make the buttons in the dash match the real ones?
why majestic is incorrectly define button numbering, any ideas?
how can I guess so that the real button two is the same for majestic ?
Majestic does not seek devices and assign buttons. The entry is made in the mjc84.ini by default, and it allows the user to have the syntax available and then make the required changes to match the input device in use. Provided that you have the correct joystick number you can then assign the corresponding button number in the ini (this can be achieved via P3D's joystick page or even the use of FSUIPC under the button tab)
When you say the real button, are you using a 1:1 yoke replica of the Q400 and wanting to assign buttons to math the yoke, or are you using an input device and simply want to assign a specific button to the TCS?
If TCS is not a function that you need/use then simply remove or disable the line syntax by putting ";" in front of it ( this of course is in the mjc84.ini)
If the button you choose to have the TCS operated is 3 then assign it to 3
Then I wonder why this is happening:
in mjc84.ini i set J0_b2=AFCS_->inputs.TCS_button
but when we press the real 2 button of the doystick we don't get TCS...
we only get it when we press the real 3 button
ok I'll try, but I think there will be an offset of 1
I confirm, I have the same offset.
> I confirm, I have the same offset.
and there are two of us
It depends, how you count. Starting wit zero (=offset from the first button) or with one (first button). You have to choose one starting point. Obviously here counting starts with zero. Therefore b2 is the third button. It's not so complicated
> It depends, how you count.
of course you can count in different ways, but why not come to one standard? for example, how is it done in the sim settings
obviously It's not so complicated...
The documentation "SpecialFeatures.pdf" page 4 is very clear:
B is 0 based joystick button sequential number, from 0 to 127
> Hi,
> The documentation "SpecialFeatures.pdf" page 4 is very clear
but why not come to one standard? for example, how is it done in the sim settings?
To start to count with zero is the more logical way in terms of programming. Maybe the sim is not following the standard
You should ask LM, why they started with one instead of zero.
> To start to count with zero is the more logical way in terms of programming. Maybe the sim is not following the standard
we play the simulator and do not do programming, besides the simulator was created before sim version dash, so it is logical to consistently with the previously created standard