Unable to program GA, AP, TCS in the .ini file
I have been flying this plane for quite a few years. I installed Training version 24 into P5D recently but I am not able to get the .ini file to recognise any of my joystick buttons. I have 4 controllers (pedals, tiller, throttle and joystick) and through a process of elimination I have assigned every combination of every controller number from 0 - 4 and every button number from 0-14 to the Jx_bx etc etc for GA, AP disengage and TCS using the syntax in the documentation.
I have read all the threads about Prepar3d v5 perhaps changing the ordering and hence the numbers assigned to each controller, which is why I decided to try every possible number that could have been used starting at zero.
FSUIPC works fine with everything else and in any case has not been used for this addon. Somehow the order and numbering of my controllers is fine for every other addon except this one
I know that I know how to do it because I have managed to make it work for years, until now, although I usually have to fiddle with the settings whenever there is either a new version of the -400 or the sim.
I know that I am using the correct syntax because I copied and pasted it out of the spreadsheet where all the examples sit. Or used to sit, because I got so frustrated with this product needing fiddling (yet again) that I have uninstalled it.
Is there something I am missing?
Have you tried setting it up using the jconf? (hardware interface program)
The Training edition does not rely in the mjc84.ini for configuring input devices.
There is a folder in the root folder "JCONF" which you create a profile for each input device and then assign axii and buttons via the jconf tool.
Instructions have been provided for additional insight
Kroswynd, you are blowing straight down the runway, mate! Спасибо
hey where is this Jconf folder? It's not in my mjc root directory.
I just bought the training edition. I'll go do another check to see if I can find the folder. Had another question for you about that. if I follow the new guide Section 4. Joystick Cockpit Connector config tool, will it automatically use 125hz for the controls? Or is that and additional step? thanks.
That is an additional step - users still have the opportunity to use it or not