EZCA 3 has a huge bump in cockpit view at landing touchdown
P3D 4.5
bump is massive. I have turned off all EZCA effects both in the air and on the ground but still get it.
None of my other aircraft have this issue.
Has anyone else seen this or could help please ?
Thanx in advance
Yes, there is definitely a large bump in the cockpit view at landing / touchdown with the Dash 8 and EZDOK.
Others have reported it too (for example, see this link):
In fact, all camera actions in the Dash 8 with EZDOK appear to be exaggerated when compared to other aircraft. This is because the Dash 8 utilizes an independent Flight Dynamics Engine (FDE) (separate from P3D).
Here is a link (see the posts below) to the EZDOK forums that mention, amongst other things, the following:
"The Dash8 has its own external aerodynamics module, so is incompatible with the XTM EZCA3 turbulence module and DHM module. You need to disable both modules. At the same time, you can leave artificial vibrations (flaps, chassis, etc.). So the effects with this aircraft will be similar to those in EZCA2."
Oops. I tried to post the link in the original message and then somehow got a bit muddled. The link appears below.
Thanks for the input Freddy.
Unfortunately I can't seem to get anything to work.
Un syncing the FDE from FSX didn't help. Someone on one of the threads said to try putting the captains view in the interior camera group instead of the "human" group. No joy there either.
The developer says to disable the DHM and turbulence modules. All I can see to do is put the slider for DHM to zero. I don't see any way to disable turbulence. The turbulence part of the effects studio looks like a large hash code square with nothing clickable.
It looks like I may have to either live with the massive camera shake on landing or go to Chase Plane
Am I missing anything ?
Again, thanks much for the help.
Sorry, I am not sure I can help. I personally prefer to have the effects whilst in flight, which I have adjusted to my liking. This means that I live with the massive shake on touchdown. I have not tried any settings to disable them or turn them off.
Not particularly helpful, I know, but Chaseplane works perfectly with the Dash (and all others I have). I had Ezdok before but find Chaseplane superior. Currently £20 from Orbx but normally drops a little with their sales.
An effect for camera is loaded from the context menu by pressing on the camera name

with the mouse right button – Load Effect.
The above description is taken from the EZCA3 Manual.
It seems like there's something we can do...