Approach problem

star ULUBA1
RNAV runway 10
Transition SLUGO
SLUGO have not altitude constraint
I must to go to ULUBA by vector 160 degrees
But I can't set a VNAV because the vector.
How I must to do this approach ?


  • If you use ULUBA1 you'll be vectored from SLUGO to ULUBA or asked to do an ARCDME, then the procedure is VOR Z Rwy 10 (usual approach to TNCM).

    Say the PJM VOR does not work. From SLUGO Direct to AVAKI stable 2600' then you'll descend LNAV up to the MAP (MAPON) then visual or GA.

    To perform these approaches, you should know what altitude (or FL) you should be ideally by SLUGO and ask ATC when you want to start your descent.

  • edited February 2021

    why on the picture is supposed to have 3.00 descent and it descent at 5.03 ?

    I put 3.00 RNP in nav page.

    If you look i m too low when we look papi lights and my vnav magenta bar.
    3 reds lights and 1 green light.

    it s runway 10 TNCM airport

  • I certainly don't have the latest charts, but I would assume that the STAR ULUBA1 is only used if a VOR Y or X Rwy 10 or a Locator Rwy 10 follows. For the RNAV (GNSS) Rwy 10 and the VOR Z Rwy 10. The RNAV Approach would therefore lead you via SLUGO to AVAKI (in this case (IAF / IF) and then on to the FAF LESOR, from which the final approach follows. AVAKI knows a height of 2600 ft, the MEA of actually all feed points is 2600. You can at least orientate yourself on that.

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