Navigraph update not recognized by MJC

I just purchased the Q800 Pilot version and installed it into Steam FSX. I have had a Navigraph subscription for several years, and it works fine with my PMDG products, Flight Control, Feel There, and several other products. The Navigraph app recognized the "Majestic Dash8-Q400" add-in and provided the update, so I thought things were fine. However, the FMS still shows the 2017 Navigraph version, and not my current 2106 rev 2. In preparing a flight plan, the FMS does not recognize any of the new stars and waypoints. I've seen reports of .mdb vs. .dbf files, but nothing on point. What do I need to do to update my Dash8 with my Navigraph subscription?


  • I exited all apps, reinstalled Navigraph data, and restarted FSX, and the correct date of my latest revision appeared. So all is well. Thanks anyway, for any who gave my problem a read.

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