Throttle levers alignment

I've installed the aircraft and have set up power and condition levers in the control panel.
With engine 1 and 2 at 18000, my left power level is 1/8 inch further forward than the right power lever.
Or, conversely, the right is 1/8 inch lower.
How do you fix this?


  • Your problem may have multiple causes. #1. improper calibration, #2. dirty potentiometers in your controller, or #3 all of the above.
    You can start by lowering the value of the left power lever to see if it moves the levers closer together. Recalibration of your power levers will be necessary for each of the power lever positions. (reverse, ground idle, flight idle, etc.)

  • Hey Jax- I got this under control with Lorby's Axis and Ohs using your description above.
    So for now I'm good.

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