Vectoring before RNAV Approach
As far as routing ILS and RNAV are concerned, there are no problems, not even with VNAV.
But what makes me desperate is an RNAV approach with previous vectoring. I have now safely 25 x the route CGN FRA flown and probably all variants played through, but I do not get the desired result, which one can read out in the documents to the Dash or in the description of the FMS.
If ATC gives me the final direction and approves me for the intercept of the approach course / RNAV Approach, I must / would like to prepare my FMS accordingly, that is, I must activate the Approach. This deletes all points between the FROM and the first FIX of the Approach (CF or IF) with regard to the route, and also extends the Centerline 50 NM to allow intercepting.
The Prompt ACT APPR I get displayed, but it can not trigger it, regardless of whether I fly the direction with HDG SEL or LNAV HDG SEL. I am thus heading for the planned intercept point, but can not obtain an automatic intercept. When I activate CNCL HDG, the aircraft goes into LNAV mode, I can trigger the ACT APPR, the extended centerline is displayed, but the aircraft deviates immediately from the current heading to intercept the extended centerline at 60 °, but not with the specifications of ATC fits. After ACT APPR I select a given intercept heading in the FMS, the aircraft changes back to the mode LNAV HDG SEL skims over / ignores the centerline. Only if I timely, so shortly before flying over the extended centerline only the LNAV HDG SEL CANCELE, I come to where I want to go, but that is probably not intended. That sounds quite different and more plausible in the official description for the FMS.
Before the ACT APPR you also have the manual or automatic ARM APPR. Manual from 50 NM in front of the airport no problem, but automatically from 30 NM does not work with me, no matter how I fly, so really always manually trigger the whole thing. Here are 3 pictures of the whole, for clarification.
Does anyone have a solution, where is the problem (vml. With me) or is it not in the end?
You can not upload pictures here, so here's the link to a german forum, where i also posted.
I don’t understand , it’s too difficult to translate it:(

But the German forum had an answer new to it saying that there are no details about the procedure you need about the procedure in the documents ...
As far as I understand you have FCOM?
It also does not have the necessary information for you?
also it killed me
Thanks, I have all the documentation, the problem is that the Majestics does not work the way I read it out. The corresponding procedure is described in the manual for the FMS.
I had hoped in this regard, more information from the Airline2Sim videos, but was disappointed.
The answer in the German forum confirms my observations in the behavior of the FMS of the Majestics, but the writer there assumes that it may be normal, but I see it differently.