How To upload from SimBrief
Hi All. Just purchased the Dash 8. How do you upload a flight plan from SimBrief into the FMC. All the tutorials I've watched manually input the flight plan. I have SimBrief set to export to the Dash 8 and Navigraph has updated to 1910( I think). I like to review things before I jump in and try to fly the aircraft.
Thanks in advance
Hi and welcome,
in fact, SimBrief will answer that question for you, if you click the question mark next to the Download button for the Q400 file:
Edit: Having said that, it's really not that much work to input a flight plan manually (if you enter airways instead of each single waypoint) and probably much closer to real-world operations. I for myself usually don't bother with exporting/importing and just click away. Takes about two minutes.
Anything else, feel free to ask.
Kind regards,