Adding a custom Lat / Lon Wpt during flight

What is proper procedure for entering a Lat / Lon waypoint to the flight plan just
prior to the destination airport's ICAO (PLPA )? Please refer to the screen cap
at the Dropbox link below. I've done some reading in the Docs and tried a bunch
of stuff but no joy.
Thank you,
Ken Boardman

My system > Win 7-64, FSX Acceleration


  • Hi,


  • Many thanks for the tutorial Reinhard.

  • Hi Reinhard,
    After I watched the video I successfully created some custom waypoints
    in the FMC. Is there a trick to get them to appear on the Navigation Display ?
    They show properly in the FMC (FP) but not on the ND.
    Also I am not able to apply the saved custom WPs for use on successive
    flights. I am required to delete the "used" old custom WP and create a new
    identical WP. Am I doing something incorrectly perhaps ?
    Best regards,

  • Hello,
    to display the waypoint after entering the flight plan, you have to go to the DTO page and select the first waypoint (does not have to be the manually created waypoint, just take the first waypoint) as the DTO. Before this is usually on the NAV page only the route between start and destination is given and displayed accordingly. If a waypoint is only created in flight, then select the created waypoint or simply also the currently flown to waypoint as DTO, then it will be displayed.

  • Thank you for the fast reply and for the outstanding explanation. I've been mostly a Boeing pilot so as you must know, much of the Q400 stuff (especially FMC related)
    is puzzling, but it's new to me and fun learning. I have been taking a good set of
    notes (been wearing out MS Notepad, LOL!!
    BTW, I discovered since my previous post that the second item addressed is normal
    operation. We can only use a custom created WP one time. IOW, if we need the same
    WP on a subsequent flight, it must be re-created. So I will start deleting my custom
    WPs at the end of each flight.
    Best regards,

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