HOTAS buttons not able to properly connect to "elevator trim" up and down.

I'm unable to bind my Thrustmater Warthog joystick's 4-way hat switch (labeled trim nose up, trim nose down, trim left down, trim right down) to make my Dash8 elevators' trim work properly. This has binding of buttons to actions never been problem before on all my other sims and add on planes.

Here' s what's going on in the P3D button / binding settings:

If I bind the "trim elevator up" action to the 4-way hat switch "up" button, I'm then totally unable to then bind the hatswitch "down" button to give me the "trim elevator down" action. What happens is that both the trim up HOTAS button, and the trim down HOTAS button end up do the same action. My plane can only trim down. (or only trim up - depending on what action I bound first).

I've tried to remedy this with a lots of attempts and settings in the P3D settings - but no joy.

Any help would be grateful. My poor animated pilots are constantly going into crash position on their very short flights.



  • For me it works well with the following FSUIPC settings:

    1=R0,0,C65588,0 -{BRAKES}-
    2=U0,0,C65588,0 -{BRAKES}-
    3=P0,5,C65588,0 -{BRAKES}-
    4=U0,5,C65588,0 -{BRAKES}-
    6=P0,3,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}-
    7=R0,6,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}-
    8=R0,8,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}-
    9=P1,1,C65861,0 -{AUTO_THROTTLE_TO_GA}-
    10=P1,10,C65570,0 -{GEAR_TOGGLE}-
    11=P1,11,C65570,0 -{GEAR_TOGGLE}-
    12=P1,22,C65758,0 -{FLAPS_INCR}-
    13=P1,21,C65759,0 -{FLAPS_DECR}-
    14=R1,28,C65602,0 -{THROTTLE_DECR}-
    15=R1,29,C65771,0 -{PROP_PITCH_DECR}-
    16=R0,7,Cx32000C04,x3FFF0014 -{offset sword increment, offset 0C04 (Incr=20, Limit=16383)}-
    17=R0,9,Cx42000C04,xC0010014 -{offset sword decrement, offset 0C04 (Decr=20, Limit=-16383)}-
    19=P0,1,C65580,0 -{AP_MASTER}-
    20=P1,14,C65580,0 -{AP_MASTER}-

    Settings 7 , 8 , 16 , 17

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