Instruments popping & markers for hydraulic systems jumping up and down
no matter what I do, some of my instrument panels flicker and the markers for hydraulics are jumping up and down beyond max possible value.
I tried resetting all failures within System Panel Tool without success. In avionics Flux Valve L and AHRS are checked as fail even after reset. In Hydraulic System page some of the systems keep flashing.
Also tried starting up with cockpit state ready for takeoff to eliminate any config failures. Behavior is the same.
Version is 1.020a.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Ah, simulator is P3D 4.2
HI Stockenhans,
It could be possible that your operating system may have recently performed an update which at times may cause Protection issues with the Q400. A simply re-installation address this issue (Be sure to in stall using Run as Administrator be right clicking on the installer).
If this is not the issue, I am not sure if you made changes within the mjc84.ini file to the WEAR_OFF_FACTOR parameter, which could cause failures quite rapidly depending on the failure rate set.
Reinstallation did the trick. Thanks for the quick reply.
Thanks for the heads up
i have the same problem with the newest version for P3Dv5. A reinstall with admin power dosen´t work
Kindly provide some video or images to support the issues.
I haven´t changed anything.
No problem. Here is a short video with the problem:
Same Problem with P3Dv5 and Version 1.21 here. After a few minutes even the whole Sim runs amok ...Sometimes i get CTD even when selecting the Aircraft
Having the same issue in both v4 and v5. Oil gauges flash continually as does the Hyd Press and Hyd Qty Gauges. The O/H panel has a number of indicators flashing with the Master Caution button flashing (as expected) accompanied by a bell. I've uninstalled and reinstalled with no change. Virgin install i.e. nothing changed in Cpan.

Same problem here with P3D V4.5 HF3. Reinstall did not work.
Same here on P3D v5 HF2. Nothing worked so far.
+1 to this,
before today in p3d4 all was working well, now unusable. In both p3dv4 and v5
Also if I select cpan from windows start menu, it does not work although I think that is because of windows security
quick update I uninstalled and reinstalled as admin but made no difference I have what everyone else is quoting but I also have pfd2 flickering and flashing as well
...and CTD on v4.5 HF3.
Yes, with reinstall.
I know several of you have tried the re-installation process, but are you doing so by right clicking on the installer and using Run As Administrator? This is very important
I tried a reinstall (always with Admin rights), now P3D crashes every time I load the Dash.
The jumping hydraulic pressure and the unrealistic oil figures are the signs of the failure in the copy protection system of the Q400
We think a windows update is responsible for this behavior. If you experience this problem, please manually erase the following locations using the windows "regedit" editor
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Majestic Software\mjc840
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Majestic Software\mjc840
Then re-install the Q400.
PS: The installer should recreate the correct
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Majestic Software\mjc840
Same problem here. Purchased today and installed with Admin rights. Also tried re-installs (now 2 installs left!). Windows version is 1903. Please help, because like this, the software is not usable for me!!!!!!!!
Have a look a the post previous to yous and follow those instructions please.
Keep us posted
I did whats mentioned in that post . Result : CTD
Same for me
Found the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Majestic Software\mjc840 Folder and deleted it. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Majestic Software\mjc840 did not exist. Un-installed the MJC, then re-installed. Doesn't work, same problem of flickering displays and jumping hydr. indications.
tried the suggestion and now q400 will crash p3d on loading and yes installed as admin using preferred right click method.
OK, thanks for the update, we'll do some additional research to try and get to bottom of this .
CTD even with Registry edits:
Module: StackHash_d787. I dont know if this is related to Q400 or Windows.
PS: I dont have any 787.
thanks for looking into this
For info troubleshooting before removing the hkey lines my q400 would run but with all the popping (admin install)
After deleteting hkey entries and uninstalling q400 then reinstalling under admin setup on selecting the q400 from within p3d and selecting to run p3d immediately crashes to desktop.
not sure if it will help but hey,the more you know the better
Registry edits.
Windows restart.
Q400 setup.
Windows restart.
Run P3D and crash.
I would also try the regedit trick and reinstall, but I'll go out of activations (3 remaining). I'll wait for a definitive solution.
For the time being I installed the previous version and that is working OK.
I want a reset, please