I love this sim but have found I overshoot the runway because my brakes do not function. I use pro peddals which work on all my other sims. I cannot tile the mjc control panel with the simx to adjust the input/output values which I do not really understand. Would apreciate any help otherwise I cannot use this sim.
is a simple function. Have you applied it simply?snave how did you view the values changing when pressing the pro peddle toe brakes
With a rather vague breakdown of the pedals you use, and no other substantiating information one can assume that your runway overruns may also be attributed to poor executing of you landing/taxi techniques (simply put, a Dash 400 if landed correctly depending on runway length does not need brakes as you have those hefty PW 150 engines
- and of course depending on how far down the runway you have put the aircraft down
Have you utilized the manuals provided which will give you some insight to properly configuring your flight controls through the Control Panel (CPAN.exe) Even though you may have the flight controls configured via your simulator they must also be configured via the CPAN to ensure that you have the correct input values aligned.
Once you have ensured that your flight control axii have been properly configured in the CPAN then you MUST click APPLY, then RELOAD THE AIRCRAFT per the instructions. You do not have to reload the simulator as many folks do this instead.
As I mentioned without knowing how your machine is setup that is as best as I can be regarding what your issue may be.
Bear in mind that if you smash it onto the runway and blow your tires, braking action will be very poor to nil. Even in that case, full reverse should stop you on literally any runway you could possibly think of landing on.