how do I get more installs?
Because of the issues regarding the latest update, according to the user area I only have 1 install left
I want to install into both p3dv4 and v5 which i'm guessing would be 2 installs.
How do I get more installs? I've had to try to install in both p3dv4 and 5 several times because of the bug which has brought me to this point.
Can you tell me how I can fix this
Many thanks
As I suspected, I have managed to install into p3dv4.5 but on trying to install into p3dv5 it tells me that my installs are exhausted.
I am in a similar but worse position as mazeldA.
I first installed this 2 years ago. Now I have installed this in both P3DV4 and P3DV5 and uninstalled it again because it was un-usable.
I then did some housekeeping on my PC, and decided to try installing it again, but it still didn't work.
I saw the message about the fix, so I uninstalled it again thinking the fix was a full install.
I have now installed it again but when I try to activate it I get the message "INSTALLS EXHAUSTED". Well I'm exhausted and really frustated at the time I have spent trying to get this software to work.
Please credit my account with more installs.
Thanks in advance