After Pre Start Setup Cannot start Engines
I have P3Dv5.1 HF1 installed. After a while of not flying the Q400 I started up a new flight and I have never had this issue, after going through my start procedures. After pushback, I attempted to start engine 2, Egine Start button Normal, start swith R, moved fuel lever to Start\Feather as always and nothing! Tried left engine, same. I am sure I did not miss a step in my Pre-Flight setup. I did reinstall the aircraft a while back though. Is it possible this version is not compatible with P3Dv5?
Are there displays when the engine is starting, or is nothing happening? Are you starting with the current weather? If so, it's frosty, because then it may be necessary to de-ice the engines.
Thanks, Yes, Displays on. I used the Ground Ops deice in the FMS. Nothing. I had cockpit state set on default, what is that. I usually like gave cockpit set to Before start, I guess that would be the "Boarding" state. maybe I was not starting with the right state. I also set the .ini file to "WearOffFactor=0.0" and the gear pins were onboard. So, I don't know. It's a mystery.
My Just Flight Account says the product download link is for P3Dv4. Is this for P3Dv5 as well? That is the link I used to download and install the Pro version.
If you had the v4 edition of the Q400, then there should be a download for v5 from the vendor from which you purchased the aircraft.
Here is a link with the specifics for the v5 download.
Thanks for that, I checked my account over at Just Flight and the installer looks like it is the proper version even though it says it is for P3Dv4 (mjc8-400-Pro-1_021_x64-inst.exe). I ssume this is the latest installer. I installed it and I was given the choice to install to P3Dv4 or P3Dv5. I am thinking I may have previously installed an older version of the Pro Edition by mistake.
I have downloaded and installed the latest version which I assume is compatible with P3Dv5.1HF1 or NOT. I still can't get the engines to start. What am I doing wrong. I have never had this problem! Is there a patch coming? Am I missing something here? It should be simple, I followed all the pre-start procedures as always and when I move the fuel levers up I get nothing. This is getting really frustrating.
...Also Red ENG 1 & 2 oil pressure warning. Is that the problem? I have also changed the ini file item WearOffFactor=0, so this cannot be a failure of some kind.
Now I got a message saying "default failures initiated". As stated above I have also changed the ini file item WearOffFactor????
...I forgot to mention, as I always have I am using the "Default" Cockpit State if that is any help.
...Actually I just tried a new state "Boarding"...still no luck. I tried CTRL+E and that is a No Go as well.
Here's a screenie of
If this installation file is the latest and it brings compatibility to P3Dv5.HF1 then I should not be having this problem. I am just taking stabs here, but is it possible this is a registration problem? I uninstalled through Windows before I re-installed. Could simconnect be giving me issues? The Q400 is essentially rendered useless in P3D at this point. How can I make sure that I am not getting any failures that may be causing this? Would it be possible for Majestic to send me a new link for an installation file that they know is compatible? I am sure my installation is not compatible with of P3Dv5.1HF1 for some reason.
First of all I have to apologize for letting this post get out of hand. I have solved my own problem. As it has been a while since I used the Majestic Q400 I left out a very important step in the start procedure. All I had to do was turn on the APU control and before engine start I was pressing Start but I should have pressed Start \ Select (double click), which I have on "Own" checklist, but I was overlooking the double click. A very simple solution to a Non-problem. Again, I apologize for my error. Now I can get back to flying my favourite Addon.
All the better if it works now. But you don't have to apologize for that. That's what a forum is for.