Flap lever doesn't move flaps

Hi. I'm new to the forum so cut me some slack here.
I run Mighty Majestic Dash8-400 on FSX-Steam, and everything runs ok except for the flaps. I mean when I operate the flaps lever on the cntr. pedestal, it moves but nothing happens, meaning flaps stay at same position. Any ideas on what might be wrong?
I thank in advance if someone out there can give me a clue.
Nice landings everybody


  • Hello and welcome to the forum. What condition of the aircraft does your statement refer to, i.e. with the engines running, or with engines off? When you operate the flap lever, do the messages Flap Drive and Flap Power appear on the CWP together with the caution light? Do you have pressure in the hydraulic system?

  • Yes, engines running and taxiing out. No messages I've noticed on CWP, and positive hydraulic pressure. Flaps move with joystick assigned key/keyboard (F5 to F8). However, when using these to systems, flaps move but flap lever stays in the same position.
  • By the way, I'm flying the pilot edition.
  • Funny, in the first post I read it differently, lever moves, flaps don't. Here it says that the flaps move with the keys F5-F8 or the joystick, the lever does not.

  • Hello Fireball,

    While we await your response regarding your flap issue, just need to make sure that I am understanding your issue correctly.

    With engines running and manual changing of the flap lever in the virtual cockpit you do not see any indication that the flaps are moved to the desired setting, BUT if you use the assigned F5- F8 keys you do get flap movement from the indication (but does the flap handle selector move in this scenario?). I take it using an assigned button on your input device provides the same function as moving F5 - F8, so it sounds like the VC flap lever when moved does not provide an indication in the cockpit.

    So the next question would be with the VC flap lever moved to the desired position, are you able to observe if the flaps from the exterior view of the aircraft have moved to the desired position?

  • Hi Crosswind. You got it right. When I use either keyboard (F5 to F8) or the assigned keys for flap operation on my thrustMaster joystick it works fine. Meaning flaps move to selected position (visible both on the off indicator and outside).
    When moving the flap lever on vc, the lever moves but nothing happens (no indication on off neither outside).
    Thanks in advance for your involvement, trying to help me out.
  • Oh! Skip that. When I use keyboard keys/joystick assigned keys, flap lever doesn't move.
    Even spinning mouse wheel over lever nothing happens. It only moves with mouse lsb.
  • So I still don't quite understand it, but I don't see any logic either. Maybe just download the Majestics clean again (usually with a virus scanner off) and install them as well.

  • Sounds like you have a gremlin lurking within. It would be best to un-install and then disable you A/V software and be sure to install using Admin Rights.

  • Ok guys. Thanks for the help. I'll try uninstall and reinstall again. See if it works.
    I run the sim with administrator rights. However, if it doesn't solve it I'll continue flying this outstanding piece of add on using either keyboard/joystick commands.
    Thanks again for the helping hand.
  • Thanks, keep us posted

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