Majestic Software's plans for Microsoft's upcoming Flight Simulator 2020

With the official release of Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2020 just hours away we decided it was time to provide our intentions for the upcoming platform. We are pleased to see that Microsoft has ventured back into the Flight Simulator arena, and we anticipate that we too shall be developing our products for MSFS2020.

We were not active participants of the Alpha or Beta testing process so we don't have much insight regarding the inner workings of the platform, we have been patiently awaiting an SDK, but will more than likely have to wait for an official version to be released. before determining how we move forward. That being said, we can not and will not provide a time frame as to how soon the Q300 or Q400 will enter the MSFS 2020 arena, BUT we will certainly be joining the band-wagon with the PILOT, PRO and TRAINING Editions (we'll have to evaluate the COCKPIT Edition to see how that will work.)

Development & Support:
Development for the P3D 64bit platform will however continue, and there will be continued "support" for all versions of the 32bit platforms (FSX and P3D) as well as the current 64bit versions.

We are finally getting closer to a Beta release for testing as the development of the FDR functionality nears completion. In a few weeks, we'll show some footage of the FDR functionality which can be used for various applications (be it professional or for fun), i.e, reviewing departure and approach performance profiles, VA's can also see its benefit by reviewing a Shared Cockpit check rides, and the list goes on.

We thank you all for your continued support and we look to the exhilarating future with the new MSFS 2020.

The Majestic Software Team



  • Hi,

    Thanks for the good news.

    Dash q400 is an amazing player and your version is amazing too, but, I think it deserves an update, specially the fmc performance page.

    Anyway I would like to know what do you mean Cockpit edition? More detail? More functions? More realism?

    Thank you a lot.

    Kind Regards,

  • More than likely there will not be any changes to the current FMS functionality, having to have re-written its code for the 64bit platform has really set us back time wise, and we need to move forward.

  • Great News. Thanks.

  • Hello, always good hearing news from majestic, I just want a little clarification on what is meant by “Cockpit edition”?... Is the pertaining to the Q400 or Q300?

  • edited August 2020

    It pertains to the Q400 at this time. The Cockpit Edition is more geared towards the cockpit builder and will have touch screen functionality whereas the TRAINING Edition will not have touchscreen functionality, and the advanced input/output for devices will be for the Cockpit Edition only.

    This has been discussed previously here:

  • Mjc q400 is probably my favorite fs addon and im somewhat surprised you didnt take part in the alpha of msfs. Did you like some few others think that msfs would be a flop? Shortlived hype that would dissappear into the sunset? It just reached 1 million sales, in 2 weeks and in the after hindsight maybe you and some others could be more pro active. You got a new customerbase on top of the old now and the possible large sales numbers for your q400 is definetly there. I hope to see some more information and signs that you actually want to get into msfs and not just good intentions like you just rescently discovered msfs.

  • edited September 2020

    There is "Nothing" to be surprised about, MS was selective in who they wanted on the alpha and beta teams which is not a big deal. We do also have other ongoing projects that are a higher priority so we were not pressed, I don't see what the big deal is. From various reports alpha/beta teams members barely had any solidified input as there are still many aspects of the platform that require work.

    What we think of MSFS bears no relevance on its success the important thing is getting hands on the completed SDK when it is ready so that we can look at moving forward for developing for the new platform. Until then we trod along with our other tasks and we will provide updates to the community when deem it necessary to do so.

    It's not a rat race, and if it is, we don't operate in that manner, just because of the hyped platform. It is a great stride in our flight simulation world for which I think we are all pleased to see, but bear I mind that it is still in its infancy stages and one can not expect complex developers to come blazing out of the gates 1 to 3 months after release.
  • i totally agree with crosswind,
    well said,
    everyone talks as if planning or implementing a program were as simple as drinking a glass of water, it takes time, dedication and concentration.
    I believe that today, among professional simulator software, majestic is second only to PRO.SIM, and PRO.SIM with the too high price is out of commercial parameters.
    I have been involved in my dash8 Q400 home cockpit project from 2 years, I am a beta tester of the training version and I was able to appreciate the professionalism and seriousness of majestic, I am sure that the developers have already made their choices, and certainly we will not be disappointed at the end.

  • Can't wait to see the Q400 in MSFS quite frankly. My initial reactions in MSFS after installing and learning the basics was to want to go back to the old soft shoe P3D w/ the lovely Dash 8. But curious to see more w/ the new sim and understand configuration a little better, I've really come to appreciate what it means to fly thru the real world--it's way more than just 'eye-candy' which can have a neutral to negative connotation amongst the hard-core. Flying thru good quality landclass-based artist renderings was the best possible for its time, but now it shows just how off it really is. I don't see going back quite frankly. This being said, I will likely continue to use P3D w/ all of the many scenery and weather add-ons accumulated thru the years, and enjoy doing longer flights in the PMDG/Majestic models, then jump into MSFS for regional charters, so it's kind of a nice way to use both sims. Now, if n when the Dash 8 appears in MSFS, I may never go back to P3D I can already tell. It's just way too compelling, despite its immature state, and one gets the sense MS/Asobo will aggressively address its shortcomings, which appear mostly to be in the realm of tweaking, versus needing to overhaul anything bigtime. The writing is in on wall in bold letters!

  • As an owner of the Majestic Dash 8 Q400 Pro edition in P3D, I am struggling to contain the enjoyment I get from hearing you are going to develop the Q400 for MSFS 2020. Without the Majestic Q400 in the sim, I will not be complete as a person. I must have it 😁 My favourite add on for any flight sim bar non.

    There is a reason none of the big guns including Majestic have not produced a working aircraft for MSFS 2020 yet, and that is because the SDK just isn't ready. We are slowly seeing port overs from FSX and P3D and a few are okay but some are just terrible. I know Majestic will not go at this half cocked. They will put it the same level of detail as they have with all their other aircraft. And I am more than happy to wait, Just not too long please guys and girls. 😊

  • Yes, it could be one of the deciding factors about when to switch to the newer sim.
    Certainly it's nothing to write home about AT MOMENT.

  • Keeping honest, I'm happy enough running the dash in a pure flight simulator where you can import flight plans from the cockpit, change your airport without having to get back to the main menu in a gamish manner, having to choose my aircraft again with a boring livery menu scrolling, a world map that I need to explore, do not have to get back to main menu just only for change my stand or gate, do not have press any key to fly, and all of this stuff.
    My wish would be more about MSFS would come to MJC8Q400 at P3D style and functionability than moving one of the best if not just the best professional aircarft addon to a gamish platform like MSFS.
    I've spent more than 200 hours in MSFS since alpha state and sincerely my wishes goes more to continue enjoying the dash in a pure flight simulator like P3D.
    Congratulations for your amazing work!

    Richard Groy

  • @rgroy said:
    Keeping honest, I'm happy enough running the dash in a pure flight simulator where you can import flight plans from the cockpit, change your airport without having to get back to the main menu in a gamish manner, having to choose my aircraft again with a boring livery menu scrolling, a world map that I need to explore, do not have to get back to main menu just only for change my stand or gate, do not have press any key to fly, and all of this stuff.
    My wish would be more about MSFS would come to MJC8Q400 at P3D style and functionability than moving one of the best if not just the best professional aircarft addon to a gamish platform like MSFS.
    I've spent more than 200 hours in MSFS since alpha state and sincerely my wishes goes more to continue enjoying the dash in a pure flight simulator like P3D.
    Congratulations for your amazing work!

    Richard Groy

    msfs is packed with top modern technology that no other simulator have and more is coming. Flight characteristics is for the most very good in msfs and way beyond what p3d can deliver. It remains some finetuning on certain areas and specially the sdk have to be improved if we are going to see products form pmdg and MJC. There are a few bugs with the engine simulation and the jets needs to be tuned too. A lot has been done in the last few updates and the ga planes are a dream to fly with regards they are default planes. Can only imagine how this will be with A2A in near future. Put in perspective regarding p3d, after 10 years of development, flight characterstics and ground handling havent been touched and are just as hopeless as in fsx. Turboprop is complete unrealistic and not flight worthy. Even the regular piston engines is not simulated in the right way. Helicopter simulation is so far from reality as you can get. Msfs got some work to do here, not trying to hide that but it was launched 3 months ago and hasnt been on the market for 10 years like p3d.

    I think we need to look past the "game" aspect you point out, like when you start the sim a big xbox sign hits you in the face. Sure, they are targeting a broad market but that doesnt change the fact msfs has modern sim technology that with products from MJC, pmdg, a2a etc will truly make a fantastic simulator.

  • Bob. You make some good points, but I still find MSFS unflyable for a multitude of aspects. While it can be said that P3D somewhat has the fly on rails feel. MSFS is almost the opposite. Like it tries too hard to simulate "real life" physics to the point it is also unrealistic. Obviously it seems like the sim has a good chance of being the one we all use in a few years, it still seems further away than closer to me. I remember being immensely excited leading up to its release. Got into the alpha, and was really let down. The other concerns I have with MSFS are performance and the updates. One of the nice things about the Q400 in p3d is the amazing performance. don't see how that will be possible in MSFS. I also really am not a fan of mandatory updates in msfs. As those of us who have been doing this for a long time would point out. It's very common for simulator updates to break our favorite addons. Some minor some major. But having the ability to delay or sometimes even skip updates is huge. I couldn't imagine being on MSFS and intending to do a q400 flight from A to B only to get an unplanned update that makes the plane unflyable.

  • Any improvements by MS to the flight dynamics is really a moot point. As the Majestic Q400 sits right now, in P3D, it does not use the internal FDE, instead using the JBsim FDE. I would hope that Majestic hold to that form going forward into MS's latest and greatest "simulator."
    I fly the Q400 using a yoke, and it is nothing, "like flying on rails." Joystick controllers are more precise when it comes to returning to centre, too precise for my liking, which may make flying seem more rigid. Maybe those users should take a look at;

    1. FDE to FSX sync is enabled. (found in the Q400 control panel app.)
      Some users disable this to stop the bouncing/jumping affect as seen when the external FDE syncs the aircraft position with the geographic position in the simulator.

      The rest are found in the Q400 ini file.

    2. YAW DUE TO PROPWASH =1.0 ( I am not certain if a lower decimal value would work with this setting, it may be 1 or 0 only. You may want to consider having rudder pedals for this setting. Using the twist axis on a joystick will be a bit of a juggling act in a crosswind.)

    3. TURBULENCE FACTOR =0.35 (or higher depending on your weather engine settings, and personal preference. *** Hold on tight, it gets bumpy! ;0)

    4. AUTO RUDDER FACTOR =0.0 (sometimes default is set to 1.0 ??? )

      Just some things to try while we all wait for Asobo/MS to finish their/our sim of the future.

      Happy Holidays, and wishing you all the best for the Happiest New Year.

  • @Jax_in_BC said:

    Any improvements by MS to the flight dynamics is really a moot point. As the Majestic Q400 sits right now, in P3D, it does not use the internal FDE, instead using the JBsim FDE.

    How moot that really is at least im not sure of. Maybe you are in a postition to absolute conclude that. I would assume the more advanced and complex the default flight dynamics is in msfs will have an impact on the external fde. The sdk needs to be more finished, that is for sure.

  • Hi Bob1, As I understand it the JSBSim flight model used in the Q400, is a stand-alone program. It does not use, or require the use of the default (in sim) flight dynamics modeling, whether it is FSX, P3D, or MSFS. That being said, It is possible that Asobo are using the JSBSim FDM in the new MSFS.

  • If and when Assobo finish the sim, THEN I might be interested.

    In the meantime, there is no reason to be putting FS2020 in the same category as P3D or even FSX for that matter and there is NO REASON for Majestic to even look at it, in my CONSIDERED opnion. So far, all that has been achieved is a mish-mash of peurile aviating drivel.

    Resume viewing in about Six Months.

    There should be a plausible SDK by then, instead of a bunch of amateurs just fecking abaht with the new toy, cluelessly and joylessly... Or just as likely there won't be, because Asobo reach will have exceeded their grasp. Again.

  • @snave said:
    If and when Assobo finish the sim, THEN I might be interested.

    In the meantime, there is no reason to be putting FS2020 in the same category as P3D or even FSX for that matter and there is NO REASON for Majestic to even look at it, in my CONSIDERED opnion. So far, all that has been achieved is a mish-mash of peurile aviating drivel.

    Resume viewing in about Six Months.

    There should be a plausible SDK by then, instead of a bunch of amateurs just fecking abaht with the new toy, cluelessly and joylessly... Or just as likely there won't be, because Asobo reach will have exceeded their grasp. Again.

    Things changed, at this moment big plane developers see FS2020 as the new standard where they can do what is not possipble in P3D.

    Love to hear how this devopment of the Q400 is moving further

  • > @Eleuth said:
    > Things changed, at this moment big plane developers see FS2020 as the new standard where they can do what is not possipble in P3D.
    > Love to hear how this devopment of the Q400 is moving further

    First off the statements of the user you quoted are in no way the thoughts and or opinions shared by any of the Majestic Team, nor is he affiliated with the team.

    The new platform is certainly gaining ground as ita updates do show improvement which is certainly good to see.

    We certainly will provide information as needed when we get closer to completion of our present project.

  • @kroswynd said:
    > @Eleuth said:
    > Things changed, at this moment big plane developers see FS2020 as the new standard where they can do what is not possipble in P3D.
    > Love to hear how this devopment of the Q400 is moving further

    First off the statements of the user you quoted are in no way the thoughts and or opinions shared by any of the Majestic Team, nor is he affiliated with the team.

    The new platform is certainly gaining ground as ita updates do show improvement which is certainly good to see.

    We certainly will provide information as needed when we get closer to completion of our present project.


    That's great to hear.

    I can't wait to fly the beautiful Dash again with the amazing graphics of MSFS.
    And i hope that this will be not in a too distance future.

    Especially now is the Dash missing because on 31. May was the last flight of a Q400 from Austrian. It was a beautiful farewell ceremony at Innsbruck Airport.
    even though we are currently in a pandemic, a lot of people participated. Some ex Tyrolean employees came as well in their former Uniforms, that was very beautiful.


  • @kroswynd said:
    > @Eleuth said:
    > Things changed, at this moment big plane developers see FS2020 as the new standard where they can do what is not possipble in P3D.
    > Love to hear how this devopment of the Q400 is moving further

    First off the statements of the user you quoted are in no way the thoughts and or opinions shared by any of the Majestic Team, nor is he affiliated with the team.

    The new platform is certainly gaining ground as ita updates do show improvement which is certainly good to see.

    We certainly will provide information as needed when we get closer to completion of our present project.


    I completely agree.
    I don't have MSF2020, for my home cockpit I am still testing the panels and systems of the dash 8 q400 majestic with P3DV4, but for what I could see the graphics are all just plain spectacular.
    I fly to Florence and I can assure you that the details of the latest MFS2020 Florence airport realization is simply perfect.
    I use the dash8 8 q400 majestic for some time they have always improved an excellent aircraft made in the complexity of flight systems, associating this aircraft with the external graphics of MFS2020 must be pure NITROGLYCERIN.

  • Just for the record, I didn't say I'm telling the thoughts of Majestic.
    I shouldnt dare'!
    But I simply refered to the opinion of the developers at PMDG and Aerosoft in their forums.

    That said I love to have your plane in MSFS, but that is an other story

  • @Eleuth said:
    Just for the record, I didn't say I'm telling the thoughts of Majestic.
    I shouldnt dare'!
    But I simply refered to the opinion of the developers at PMDG and Aerosoft in their forums.

    That said I love to have your plane in MSFS, but that is an other story

    I know what you meant but I wanted to make it lucid for the community as some folks are of the opinion that the community member is affiliated with MJC.

    MJC will eventually get to the MSFS platform in time, for us its not a rat race, and there is still quite a lot work to be accomplished before a MJC product can become MSFS ready (bear in mind that our team is not as large as other companies), but we'll get there.


  • Ok good to hear :*
    I'll wait, good luck with it.

  • edited June 2021

    Sorry to sound like I'm complaining, but I feel like your priorities are changing all the time. Wasn't the priority to create the Training eddition in the first place? I've been waiting for this for a long time. msfs2020 is tempting, but let's get the things we've been planning out of the way first. Otherwise, one flight simulator update after another will come along and make the creator suffer later on. Of course, we all have our own reasons for doing what we do, so I won't say more than that, but I'm mentioning this as one person's opinion. Thanks again!

  • @Kouki said:
    Sorry to sound like I'm complaining, but I feel like your priorities are changing all the time. Wasn't the priority to create the Training eddition in the first place? I've been waiting for this for a long time. msfs2020 is tempting, but let's get the things we've been planning out of the way first. Otherwise, one flight simulator update after another will come along and make the creator suffer later on. Of course, we all have our own reasons for doing what we do, so I won't say more than that, but I'm mentioning this as one person's opinion. Thanks again!

  • edited June 2021
    One is always welcomed their opinions, it is free world which allows one to do so.

    Not quite sure where you come off saying our priorities have changed, as I have said from day one that the training/cockpit editions for P3D will be our priority before beginning any full time development for the new platform.

    With the new platform we have done our internal accessment and do check from time to time to see how the SDK is improving, to determine what would be needed for that platform.

    I do not think that at any time I have been unclear about our intensions regarding our development schedule.

  • I agree with kroswynd.
    majestic administrators never mentioned program changes, they were always clear in their priorities, first the development and release of the training / cockpit edition, then if I remember correctly the upgrade of the dash 300 version.
    surely the work will take time, the only thing (where possible) is clearly my opinion as a simmer and home cockpit builder would be to anticipate (once the training / cockpit version is released) the upgrade to FS2020 (SDK permitting) before focusing on the 300 version of the DASH.
    this is clearly my personal wish, and I respect everyone's ideas.

  • Count on my order for your Pro Edition for MSFS 2020 when it becomes available.

This discussion has been closed.