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  • Do not be afraid to go to FLT IDLE with the throttles in order to slow down. If you did that I think you would be a little bit happier with the deceleration. One thing working against you is the props being at the reduced NP setting. While great f…
  • Thanks kroswynd, I bought from sim market and downloaded their installer. Updated, but now my sim says I'm on 1023b. How do I update to 1024? Thank you!
  • Yes, at gear extension. Flight was approximately 45 minutes long. I have the PRO version, is there an update I could do?
  • Just had this going into TUS on the ILS 11L sim crashed and sent me to the coast of Africa after gear was selected down. Version 1021b according to the standby attitude indictator plus the visual enhancement package.
  • You’re right it is a pity. I have 3000 hours in Dash 8’s in real life, have been swimming for 20 years now and this is the most accurate add-on that I’ve ever flown in flight sim. Systems, sound, handling, all of it is nearly 100% true to real …
  • Lardinis, looking at the FMA (flight mode annunciators) at the top of the PFD, I see you have flight director modes selected but that TCS is enabled. TCS essentially bypasses the autopilot and allows the pilot to hand fly with the autopilot engaged. …
  • I have had this problem as well. I'm running the latest Q400 Pro Edition, with the visual extension pack. P3D v4.5. Eagerly waiting for the fix.
  • @q400sim said: Not sure why, but all of a sudden my v-speed bugger has stopped working and providing meaningful speeds. Not sure if it was a windows update or what. When I open up the speed bugger with nothing selected, the Vfri and Vclb va…
  • Not sure why, but all of a sudden my v-speed bugger has stopped working and providing meaningful speeds. Not sure if it was a windows update or what. When I open up the speed bugger with nothing selected, the Vfri and Vclb values are changing ever…
  • Cool! Thank you so much for taking the time to type that out and share, Emile!
  • Could you share your process on getting the ARCDU rotary knobs to function via LINDA/LUA? The ARCDU is next on my list to complete..
  • It performs exactly the way that the engineers intended, and surprisingly enough it does do something. I've got about 3000 hours on Dash 8 classics and I always thought that the yaw damper was worthless until the day that I had it MEL'd. I could not …
  • @p3dx3 said: On shutdown only 1 engine had to be feathered to ask for the GPU in the FMS. With the visual update now both do. I tried on a friend's Q400 who does not have the update yet and it did not do that. 1 Engine could be feathered and the G…
  • Warwick, I’ve had good luck using LINDA for inputs. The profile on AVSIM includes most everything to run a functioning cockpit. I’ve reversed engineered the code to include inputs for the FMS and weather radar tilt and gain functions. Ultimate…
  • @toppe said: @LineDX said: The new visual extension pack looks awesome. Thank you @Boss @kroswynd. I would like to pass a suggestion. Please remove the HGS cloth cover while HGS is not in use to give more cleaner look to the e…
  • The UNS-1 does not have a flight number feature. If anything, to comply with ADS-B requirements I would guess that the flight number is inputted into the ARCDU (similar to Embraer 145) but Majestic has not simulated this as of yet.
  • What’s interesting is that I ran the MJC125 controls confit tool when my Honeycomb was in J8 and every single time the airplane would not respond to my control inputs. I manually adjusted the joystick assignment from J0 through J10 to see if maybe …
  • The Takeoff warning horn sounds if any of the following are not in their correct position: Elevator Trim Parking Brake Condition Levers Flaps Possibly the ECU selector, not sure about the Q400...that was a Dash 8 Classic thing... Also, make…
  • @micstatic said: The other thing I forgot to mention that would be nice is a descent banana. would make planning manual descents a tad easier. But this is probably a somewhat major mod I never flew the Q400 in real life, but given the hi…
  • I’ll echo some of the points above first and then add my own: Fix the SID/STAR runway transition issue. I have experienced this as well, coming out of LAS is a good example. Slightly different engine parameters EFB / performance calc. Woul…
  • I don’t have any outputs working through Linda right now, but that’s not to say it’s not possible. Yeah if you could share that, that would be great. Might be good to piggy back off of that.
  • In my experience operating the Dash 8 in real life (only series 200/300, no 400), yes we would regularly board the airplane with temperatures in uncomfortable ranges. If you put your foot down and demanded an air cart or to run an engine to get condi…
  • I currently have 4 different Bodnar boards running with the Q400. I am Using LINDA for the interfacing, running an overhead panel, pedestal panel (FGP, EFIS controls, hyd/aux pumps etc.). Haven’t figured out how to interface through XML or UDP yet …
  • Are there any documents for takeoff and landing distance available? Also, documents that take into account Reduced Torque Takeoffs?
  • Thank you Reinhard for the response. I do have Aviaworx and currently it's what I use for my FMS right now, however I tried messing around with their files and couldn't get anything to work with regards to trimming the image down to just the displ…
  • Just had this issue, and kroswynd's method for pausing the sim, saving the scenario etc worked for me. Not sure what caused it, but the gear pins wear in when I did the preflight, removed them and verified they were in the bag afterwards and once …
  • In order for that to populate, you need to enter the time zone on Fuel page 2 with reference to GMT. For example, New York City in the USA is -4 in the summer time. So you would enter -4 and that would populate the ETA LCL (ETA local) on the Perf pag…
    in ETA Comment by q400sim February 2020
  • Take a look into LINDA. There is a specific MJC Q400 file that someone put together which you can google for. I believe they posted it on the AVSIM forums. I built my own panel/button box setup complete with 4 rotary encoders. The encoders work and g…