.INI file

Good day,
I need to modify the .ini file of my Q400 PRO in order to stablish "PEDALS_STEERING_EFFECTIVENESS = 2.5" instead of 0.5
Of course, I'm administrator of my PC, but whwn I try to save the modified .ini file, it's impossible.
Whow can I midify such file?
I work under Windows10 / Prepar3d v4.1
Many tks in advance


  • What application are you using for modifying the mjc84.ini? Something as simple as Notepad should allow one to change the parameters within the .ini file and save

  • Done!
    I just move the .ini file to the Desk, modify it, save it and move back to C:\Program Data\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3Dv4\SimObjects\Airplanes\mjc8q400\ini

    Tks for your answer Kroswynd

  • Awesome... Glad you got it squared away
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