FMS Waypoint sequencing very slow
I am a real Dash-8-400 pilot and Universal FMS user.
When flying an approach I find the FMS takes a long time to sequence to the next waypoint after flying over the previous one. When this happens the VNAV profile is delayed therefore making a very steep final approach and exceeding speeds.
I found that after passing a waypoint the VNAV did not sequence to the next waypoint until 0.8NM after the last waypoint.
Help! Any fixes?
Thank you for your feedback regarding this issue.
What version of the Majestic Q400 are you using (Pilot/PRO/Cockpit)?
What version of P3D are you using?
Is this being on observed on any planned/flown route, or this a specific route.
I am not sure if this particular event that you are encountering could be related to the "queue timer" being used. When Microsoft introduced the 2004 update the queue timer introduced several problems which to my knowledge has not been proper addressed by Microsoft.
Changing from "Queue" to Multimedia" timer could be the issues if queue timer is the selected timer within your Control Panel.

Keep us posted...thx
Ok.Great I will try that! While were on the topic of the FMS, is there any way I can add it to another aircraft panel? I really like using this FMS. Thanks!!
Unfortunately, we have not developed a stand-alone FMS interface, so at this time no.
Seems like switching the timing to Multimedia helped a lot.Thanks!!
OK sounds good thanks for the heads up