rudder control
Q400 Pro with the visual package installed. P3d V4.5 Windows 10. FSUIPC is used to assign my rudder pedal hardware to the sim. Fsuipc 'sees' my rudder axis movement (confirmed in calibration page). Also the Cspan app sees the rudder move. I also have my rudder assigned to the spoiler axis and then the use spoiler axis for steering tiller box checked. And I am able to turn the tiller this way. But the rudder stays centred! Any thoughts?
If am to understand you correctly
1. You do have actual rudder pedals
2. You have a separate joystick which you plan on using as a tiller by assigning the spoiler axis to it, or are you using your rudder pedals that you already have assigned via fsuipc for rudder control?
Out of curiosity, is there a reason that you would assign the rudders to the spoiler axis? I can only imagine that there is going to be a conflict and sure things may not work as intended.
If I have misunderstood you I apologize, but if that is your planned logic it can be problematic.
Hello! This fixed itself! Some kind of conflict with my hardware. And yep I have everything assigned via FSUIPC. My rudders do BOTH the rudder axis AND the spoiler axis so I can taxi with my rudder pedals and also fly with them