"force feedback outputs"

• Force Feedback outputs will be provided with ElevatorInFSXmode = 0 mjc84.ini file entry

For Boss and/or Kroswynd,
Is it possible to have the force feedback (FFB) outputs option enabled in the training edition of the Q400? I do have a FFB yoke and would love to have this option/feature available, even if it costs a few bucks extra. The current FFB function in P3D is lacking, to say the least. FsForce does give a good representation of elevator trim and weight, but little else. FsForce tends to disconnect from the yoke during the cruise portion of the flight (autopilot enabled) and then fails to reconnect during the approach phase. (after autopilot is disconnected) It wasn't always this way with regards to the Q400. I am wondering if having the outputs sent from the Q400, would correct this issue.
Thank-You for the update.
Regards, Jax


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