
I am unable to start egine , no electric power


  • Hello, naming the thread with its nickname is not very helpful, as is your little information. No electrical power, how do we have to understand that? Did you switch on the batteries and also requested and connected the ground power on the ground? If not, the batteries will of course discharge over time. It would make it a little easier for us to help you if necessary.

  • Switch it on, man!

  • Welcome to the Majestic Software forums.

    We have a fairly well rounded group of users in this forum who are always more than willing to provide assistance to issues that new users may have. However, in order for this to be accomplished effectively one must be as descriptive as possible in informing fellow users about the issue(s) being encountered.

    As the good old saying goes "garbage in = garbage out". We would appreciate it moving forward that you provide information regarding the platform which is being used, the version of the Q400 that you purchased and what your problem is, further more what steps you have taken to try in correcting the issue. There is a search tool which may offer some assistance depending on the problem

    If it is a case that you are new to the aircraft and do not understand how it is operated, we recommend making use of the manuals provided with your purchase. There are also a plethora of YouTube videos which may very well help you to identify what you may or may not be doing to accomplish a successful engine start. The aircraft can be a challenge to operate if you are new to operating turbo prop simulated aircraft, but with some patience and the willing to read/watch sources of how-to-operate the aircraft you will notice that your understanding of this aircraft will improve (just like learning any other aircraft within the simulation platforms).

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