Dev/Beta test question

Considering what happened at LM with none of the devs or Beta testers running a AMD system and the current issue with 57xx, VIInand Vega Radeon cards.

Are any of your devs/beta testers running on AMD based CPU/GPU systems?


  • At this time I am unaware of any issues, and there isn't an active beta at the moment until the new TRAINING beta is pushed. As far as the Alpha group no AMD

  • Sorry I missed this. With v5 there is a major issue with Radeon 5xxx, VII series and Vega series cards. Switching back into the cockpit of certain aircraft(PBR is a factor) causes a CTD. LM has admitted that none of the devs or beta team members had a Advanced AMD GPU. They have reached out to AMD for help and now have a AMD box for dev use. The RX 5xx Radeon cards are not effected.

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