How to activate 125 Hz-Steering?
Hallo, I would very much like to install the 125 Hz-Steering but need your assistance!
What I tried so long is to follow the instructions of 2 Videos:
but the result is that I damaged my ini and now I am grounded as elevater, aileron and rudder are dead. Maybe these Videos are too old and have been for FSX.
When Majestic is offering the possibility of using 125 Hz, I think you should also offer assistance, especially for people which are not really familiar with computers and programms. My hardware background is Windows 10, P3Dv4 and Saitek Yoke and Rudder. I think the easiest way to help me would be a picture of how my ini should look, then I could simply change my ini respectively.
Thanks in advance and regards, Guenther
It seems a child of nine have answered here...
Here is a llink to a tool that helps configuring it -
Alltough I dont know if it really works, as I like the smoothness of the actual steering and dont use the 125hz. I dont think it makes that much difference.
First of all I didnt know that this is not part of Majestics work, my apologieses.
Secondly it may well be that a child can do it but not me as I am a human fossil, 86 years old but still alive and very enthousiastic in discovering all the possibilities of this phantastic plane!
And Rhinozerous, thanks for the link. I tried it (as far as I could understand it) but still no rudder is moving. So I am still grounded.
86? Time to give up simming? Take up Golf or Tiddlywinks.
Leave it to a child of nine.
No excuse for posting in the Majestic forum with no prior knowledge of the developer.
Now you KNOW this is not Majestic, check videos:
First things first. The 125 Hz configuration is something that we did implement for the PRO version of the Q400 due to P3D's sluggish input device response.
Guenther, I would suggest that since your mjc84.ini is now damaged simply reinstall the Q400, and make a back up of the said file.
While I do Agee that the manipulation of the 125 Hz configuration can be a bit challenging task, it is the best way that we were able to implement this at the time, and it will remain this way for this version and the upcoming training edition.
The manuals have been written to support its implementation and that is about the best that we can do. Users have taken it a step further and create configuration tools and videos to assist, which has been a great help to many.
I can certainly show the section of the mjc84.ini, but my joystick configuration may be totally different to yours and may not yield the results that you are looking for.
; this means, no real force feedback available
ElevatorInFSXmode = 1
; TillerInput = 0: tiller control is with mouse only
; TillerInput = 1: turning ailerons below 40kts will steer the plane
; TillerInput = 2: tiller is mapped to the spoiler axis
TillerInput =2
; Tiller dead zone in percent/100
; Flight Controls positions from FSX/P3D
BRAKEL0_ON =65535
BRAKER0_ON =65535
BRAKEL1_ON =65535
BRAKER1_ON =65535
; See SpecialFeatures.pdf Joystick Connector section for description
; Ailerons
; Elevators
; Rudder
In my case the yoke is registered as "1" in FSUIPC but I had to assign it to "0", the same for my rudder pedals, they were assigned "2" but I assigned it to "1". This is not an exact science and will require some trial and error.
I want to be polite. Therefore no comment to snave.
Kroswynd, I very much appreciate your input and I will try in a silent moment to get the problem solved.
Thanks and regards, Guenther
As far as Snave’s posting goes, I do not know what to say!
I simply suggest Guenther stops wasting his time, and mine, and searches out an alternative hobby - the rest of us avoid hiding behind disabilities such as geriatric or other excuses...
The rest of us clearly read the intructions and are able to follow them.
Futher posts of such or any unpleasant remarks will be subject to deletion and possible banning. We are here to observe and learn or even guide to a better way of finding a solution if one is available.
Moving forward let's attempt to do so.
125 Hz works just fine in my P3dv4.5. Strange there are no anomalies there? Seem to recollect having to alter J0 to J1 or j2 after switching from fsx though.
Ask the OP to clarify what he did try? In detail, not with vague airy-fairy "I followed instructions"!
My dictionary tells me that what I feel now is in english called "to be dumbfounded". Just a new experience. Part of lifelong learning? OK, lets forget it.
hukken, jes I know this restriction and I have the Pro edition.
And Kroswynd, thanks again for your different supports.
That's more like it. There are days that we may not agree on stuff, but amidst of it all we can re-group and get back on track.
Thank you gents
Still waiting to be told what he HAD tried... it seems to have become the last bastion of the hopeless just lately no need to add the helpless to the mix!
Hi Kroswynd, just to inform you: I didnt succeed using your template. Even playing around with 0, 1, 2 as you mentioned brought the steering back to life. Now a collegue from my Flight Simulator Club (FSC) sent me a copy of his ini (without 125 Hz) and now I am in a better situation than Boeing as I am again airborne!
Regards Guenther