Q400 falls-through sloping runways and/or taxiways.
Q400 falls-through scenery! … Using Aerosoft Svolvaer X (which seems to make use of SODE for the sloping runway) it falls-through and seems to remain at the lowest elevation of the airfield, even at the high end. I have seen similar posts for other airports, so I’m guessing this is a known issue. It doesn’t happen to stock aircraft. I’m using the Q400 PRO and P3d v4.5. I guess the Q400 doesn’t belong at such a short runway, but can it be fixed? I had a similar issue at Trondheim X, but solved it by adding a transparent apron polygon, which retained a flat surface which it didn’t fall through. Is this a SODE compatible issue? I guess, I could create a sloping runway surface (with help from Don Grovestine’s tutorial) to match Aerosoft’s Svolvaer sloping runway, but is there a “proper” fix? Any help much appreciated.
Only training and cockpit edition support surface slopes. With the pro edition you should use airports with flatten terrain.
This is an issue that we have worked on ferociously to correct and we thought we did. However, it worked for some airports but not all. We have not given up on trying to fix the issue, but it is one of though issues that we have had to put on the back burner for now.
I do agree it is frustrating but due to our FDM operating outside of the P3D platform this does pose several challenges.
Thank you kroswynd. It's not a massive problem, but once I find an issue I feel the need to fix it! Seems to me that Svolvaer X is created differently to most other airports, making heavy use of SODE for the airport terrain model. Would have worked if they'd created an alternative option with an airport flatten and flat runway. However, to be fair they don't sell it as P3Dv4 compatible. If you do get the issue fixed I'd be very pleased to hear it.
Incidentally, the PRO (and presumably other versions) actually does cope with sloping runways (see screenshot of Orbx's EGPB)- in fact it works extremely well!

Today I flew with my Majestic Dash Q400 (Training edition) to LDSP (scenery of Davor Puljevic) and wanted to park at parking position 12. Suddenly the plane was sinking with the front into the ground. I assume, this has something todo with the modelling of the surface, as there is a road going beneath the terrain.
I tried with a different plane and this was no problem on the same spot.
My setup: P3D v5.3 with latest HF, Majestic Q400, training edition 1.024
Maybe this is also related to the topic discussed above.
Best regards

Already discussed in this thread:
Unfortunately without any solution till now...
The issue with continuous bouncing and sinking also happens at EDDM (sim-wings pro, version at al 8 entry points, at EDDP (Digital Design) taxiways W1, E7 and E8 and at EDDF (simflight) taxiway P1 and P. With this issue you are unable to taxi correct and follow the ATC instructions.
Still waiting for an update (or the chance to downgrade to the previous version)
Best regards,
I reinstalled the PRO - but at that airport also the PRO is sinking in the ground. So in that case I assume, that's how the scenery in LDSP is made. But anyhow thanks for pointing to the other thread. Hopefully we get the fix (and some other we are waiting already) in near future.
I have to correct one thing: It's the ORBX LDSP scenery. I used the scenery of Davor in the past but changed to the ORBX scenery some months ago.
Agreed it is certainly some sceneries from Orbx (there may be others). If I recall when testing was done it was done specifically on a few to get the aircraft working such as PAKT.
This will probably have to be listed as one of the additional flaws of the Q400, because working with each individual airport will be time consuming, and certainly not a guarantee that it will address the issue for all.
Thanks for all of the feedback on the matter.
In the meantime Nick Cooper from ORBX tested the airport of LDSP and confirmed, that the Q400 is sinking in the ground at that specific area and that other aircrafts have no problems there. So we have to live with that problem until someone finds a solution.
Thanks for the feedback. This unfortunately (at this time) is going to be a flaw of the Q400 primarily due to the flight dynamic modeling.
Another airport detected with this issue: ENVA (Aerosoft/simflight)

So it seems that the list of P3D addon airport sceneries, which are incompatible with the Q400, ist getting longer and longer...
I really love this bird and have flown it for many years. But now I am a bit disappointed and frustrated that I am unable to use it on certain flights on Vatsim: I am forced to disconnect from the network before the actual flight begins because I am unable to follow the taxi route.
Hence my repeated request: resolve this bug and send us an update...
Hi guys,
just small observation. As I was beta tester for Training edition, I didn't notice this behaviour on any beta version.
After installing published Training version I notice this behaviour on few airports. One of them AEROSOFT SIM-WINGS PRO MUNICH. I'm sure that it was ok before with Beta.
Passing over S6 or S8, aircraft flipped out.
Best regards
Ok. Tried on T2G EDDM. Same problem. Definetly not present with beta.
@ehasanov - kindly make an entry on the bug testing site. Thanks
@kroswynd - I sent you a message. Thanks
Is this problem fixed with the Training Edition in EDDM ? Because I would like to buy the Training Edition - and Munich is one of my favorite airports....
Are the problems with EDDF that I have in the Pro version also present in the Training Edition ? Please send me a short feedback :-)
Well, the question is actually easy to answer
Has there been a bugfix since these problems occurred ? Supposedly it worked in the beta version ... If there was no update it will probably still be a problem !? I can't know, but you might ;-)
If the problem still exists, will it be fixed soon ?
Hi. Latest official Training version does not work properly with T2G EDDM.
It does not work also with SimWings. Problem is with taxiway S5,S6,S7,S8,N1,N2,N3,N4.
Bug is reported in bug reporting system.
So we must wait till guys found the problem.
Best regards
Thanks a lot for the info!
Too bad, then this version has no added value for me :-(
I wanted to buy the training version actually, but in this case, I'm going to reject that idea for the time being....
regards ggerolamo
Thank you for the continued feedback regarding the sinking, bouncing or floating issues regarding the TRAINING and COCKPIT editions of the Majestic Q400. Reminder to users of the PRO Edition - You will have issues of sinking, bouncing and floating as we were only able to implement this attempted fix in the TRAINING and COCKPIT Editions.
We continue to trouble shoot this issue, and interestingly one of the beta testers also shed some light on (somewhat of a reminder for our developer) the fact that the beta version before being released did not exhibit this issue (however that may not be a solid fact for all airports in question).
As most already know the Q400 uses a flight dynamic engine that operates out side of the simulation platform, and as such most would easily jump to the assumption that the Q400 is flawed - which is a fair assessment. In fact the issue lies within the simulator platform itself whereby P3D seems to be incorrectly reporting the altitude for the gear position. This in turn requires us find a work around for airports where these issues arise.
For users of the TRAINING and COCKPIT Editions who are experiencing these issues, I kindly request that you send us an email to our Support with details of where the glitches are being encountered to assist us in trying to pinpoint and hopefully find a work around
I did a test with ENVA from Aerosoft: I added an invisible apron covering the whole area of the airport via the Airport Design Editor. And then the Q400 was not sinking anymore into ground. So there is also a fix, which could be provided by scenery developers.
Of course this is only a bypass for some airports - the main reason, why the Q400 simulation engine did not get the right altitude for the gear position also for other types of ground must be found.
How to make invisible apron with ADE.
If you could give short instruction :-)
First I load the airport BGL-File via "Import from BGL..." into ADE. Then I typically load a Google Maps satellite image in the background an adjust it in size and position, so that it is fitted to the BGL content. That's just for reference, so that's easier to draw the apron polygon.
Then I draw the apron polygon around the airport. In the properties of the apron polygon I deselect "Draw surface".
The I remove the helper picture, compile the BGL and replace th original BGL with the adopted BGL.
In the ADE manual on page 66 you will find more information.
Best regards
Thanks for information.
Best regards
I tried procedure posted by Reinhard and it worked.
Great find.
I tried with T2G EDDM . I only draw apron at problematic taxiways S5,S6,S7,S8,N1,N2,N3,N4 and deselect "draw surface". No problems with sinking.
Again great find for Reinhard.
This is temporary workaround. Fast and simple
Best regards
We think that we have found a work around for the airports that the Q400 has the sinking issue with. We are currently testing it along with some other tweaks and corrections that have been made.
Pending a successful test phase, we'll push an update.
Thanks kroswynd.
I'm here for testing ;-)
Best regards