Majestic Software TRAINING Edition for Prepar3D v4.5 and V5.2 - RELEASED!!!
We have officially released the long anticipated Majestic Software TRAINING Edition. All of our Vendors should by now have the product for sale, if not, it should be momentarily.
The flight controls can be disconnected and operated independently in the event of a malfunctioning flight controls. The flight controls system will account for the pilot flying position (based upon the pilot head position in the Virtual Cockpit, or the type of the main panel in the 2D cockpit).
The Extended joystick cockpit hardware interface allows for linking every cockpit control to a joystick compatible hardware
FMS will provide the RAIM prediction, and simulate the changing GPS accuracy accordingly
The Flight Data Recorder is a 2D panel, which can be used to record and visually reproduce a flight, such allowing for the classroom demonstration or analysis of the particular situations in the aircraft operation.
An option for the single cue/wing type flight director
Training and Cockpit editions include separate pop-ups for each EFIS screen (left and right) as well as each ARCDU and MCDU (FMS)
The surface normals (surface angle) of Prepar3D are integrated into the Q400 FDE, allowing for the correct visuals and physics when operating on addon runways with a slope.
The TFDi Design TrueGlass (optional) provides the precipitation visuals on cockpit windows
All support questions are handled via the Official Majestic Software forum.
We would like to thank everyone for their patience and continued support.
All the best from the MJC Team:-
Great news. Saw it on simmarket a few hours ago, now if only Justflight can get their finger on the upload trigger so I can get it.
At long last! Curious, can you post some images of the hardware interface where one can bind joystick, hotas and other panels? How does that process look like?
Justflight is going on the blacklist lol

Congratulations with the release

We thank you for you kind words of appreciation
I’m definitely looking forward to the future announcements, previews etc for that other smaller turboprop/s that Hopefully will move full steam ahead after this recent release.
Still not up
Thanks, looking good!
Is there the option for old flightsimstore users who were migrated to the user area to upgrade?
> Is there the option for old flightsimstore users who were migrated to the user area to upgrade?
Yes, The forum has a link under announcements for flightsim store customers
> @Navigation_45 said:
> Is it going to be up for sale at Just Flight? I bought the Pro Edition from there and it seems that on Sim Market anyone who bought the pro are getting a discount. Would be nice to see the same at Just Flight thanks.
> Still not up
We apologize for the delay at Just Flight which is out of our control. Seems as though the individual responsible for uploading the software is on vacation, and with it being.a weekend sounds like this will have to wait till Monday.
Appreciated the feedback, strange time to go on holiday during a black friday weekend... anyway maybe going to get the Simmarket version to support you guys. Bit done with Justflight...
I hear you. I am also fed up with Just Flight. Higher prices for minimal service. But, since this is the final piece of the Q400 puzzle, I would advise waiting 'til Monday, to purchase the Q400 training upgrade. I do know that this will be my final purchase from JF. There are better vendors out there, which I will be using, for future Majestic addons.
Cheers all
Same here. This will be my final purchase from JF.
Hi all - I purchased my previous versions at JF - do I have to upgrade from them or can I do it via Simmarket?
The discounts are only applicable from the vendor from which the original purchase was made, unless you are a former Flightsimstore customer.
where is the link?
Still not up at Justflight
Just crazy.
So as Justflight customers we’re not going to get the discounts because they haven’t uploaded it? That is an outrage.
@kroswynd any solution from you guys for your loyal customers, because Justflight is a mess..
We are awaiting files. as soon as someone replies to the emails from Scott we can get the product on sale. Jordan is away but has checked and nothing in his inbox or spam.
I agree 100%. If we had the files we could get you sorted. As it is....
Jordan was away but still checking email. No sign of anything so far. Now, if someone could just reply to Scott's emails....
Scott here from Just Flight. Just to update you all.
We've yet to receive the files and details for the TRAINING Edition for Prepar3D v4.5. I have emailed Oleksiy and as yet have had no reply. Jordan who usually deals with our third party developers was indeed on holiday at the end of last week but he kindly checked his emails whilst off and found no communication/emails with details/assets/software for this, nothing at all from Majestic.
I have since emailed once again asking the question and we're now waiting to hear back.
So despite the bitterness and claims that JF aren't doing what's needed here as you can see it's kind of out of our hands at the moment. We're attempting to rectify the situation and we'll continue to chase for the required details.
Sorry for the delay to all those who bought the original from Just Flight.
In fairness, that does put a completely different complexion on things. @kroswynd - are you sure you have the right contact for JF?
Thank you for the update.