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  • Sorry, to ask such an inane question, but do you have the 1.026a patch installed since it requires it?
    in efb Comment by airernie February 12
  • Thanks Reinhard. I'm probably obsessing over something that isn't all that important, but that's me.
  • I had a similar issue with trying to install 1.026 on 1.025b for FSX. Contacted support and they seem to think that the installer may not be correctly recognizing the patches. The CS person suggested that I delete, install 1.025, skip the patches a…
  • Okay, so default ATC is coming through headphones, while other aircraft sounds though speaker even though main and headphones playback set to same mapper. Active Sky ATIS feature still not playing. Interesting.
  • Got it.. Confusing 'V' with 'U'.. Unfortunately, still no sound from ATIS, but I can adjust the volume.
  • Thanks, I appreciate the help. Looks like the air intakes might have been the issue. Making an effort to completely go though the manual which is a challenge with focus issues.
  • Don't if you've solved this yet, but you should be able to swap out the file that's stored in the mj8q400\sound\music\default directory. I would keep it the same format. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems logical that's the way you would do it…
  • Answered through customer support email. Possible that the installation doesn't check for other then v1.025 so not seeing 1.025b and maybe 1.025a as valid installations. Recommendation was wait for fix in installer or uninstall and reinstall just 1…