Majestic Software Q400 Visual Package Released!!!



  • edited August 2021

    @canadagoose said:
    I am slightly confused with the install location. I am getting a default location of :
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X"
    That is not where P3Dv5 resides. Can I PLEASE get a confirmation on where I should be pointing the installer?

    I tried installing to that location, thinking I could just transfer the contents back into the Lockheed Martin\P3Dv5 folder and i am now getting "NO ORDER FOUND" message.

  • @canadagoose said:

    @canadagoose said:
    I am slightly confused with the install location. I am getting a default location of :
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X"
    That is not where P3Dv5 resides. Can I PLEASE get a confirmation on where I should be pointing the installer?

    I tried installing to that location, thinking I could just transfer the contents back into the Lockheed Martin\P3Dv5 folder and i am now getting "NO ORDER FOUND" message.

    FYI, I purchased the product at JustFlight and followed their install instruction as majestic does not provide an Install readme. Any help here would be appreciated

  • @canadagoose said:

    @canadagoose said:

    @canadagoose said:
    I am slightly confused with the install location. I am getting a default location of :
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X"
    That is not where P3Dv5 resides. Can I PLEASE get a confirmation on where I should be pointing the installer?

    I tried installing to that location, thinking I could just transfer the contents back into the Lockheed Martin\P3Dv5 folder and i am now getting "NO ORDER FOUND" message.

    FYI, I purchased the product at JustFlight and followed their install instruction as majestic does not provide an Install readme. Any help here would be appreciated

    I thought this would be a straight forward upgrade, it really should not be that difficult to implement.

  • It must be just me with this issue, very strange, no matter I have contacted "Support". Just curious though, what path did you point the Installer to? Certainly not the default one that pops up. I would think the path would be where the Q400 is installed?

  • edited August 2021

    Everything is fine now, Support allowed me access to a different installer than the one at the Just Flight site and the installation went well! Thanks to Majestic Support for all their help!

  • Can we PLEASE get a shadow model added to this? This really should've been addressed back in p3dv4, It really lets it down when everything else is so well done.

  • @canadagoose said:
    I am slightly confused with the install location. I am getting a default location of :
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X"
    That is not where P3Dv5 resides. Can I PLEASE get a confirmation on where I should be pointing the installer?

    I purchased my copy from (10th Aug) and had the same "default folder" issue, plus the installer more importantly failed to find my order. I have today re-downloaded the installer from my JustFlight account and the installation has worked OK, including defaulting to my P3D root folder.

  • Are there any further plans for updating this package? Since so much more can be done. Also, what about the various outstanding bug fixes which everyone has been waiting on for like 5 years at this point?

  • edited September 2021

    This is a newly released package and likewise we will experience un-encountered issues like any other software release once disseminated to a broader range of users, which will be addressed.

    Granted there is a lot more that can be done, and we have to make proper decisions as to which project(s) get further delayed. As it is we are behind on the current project, but needed to get this done as it was something that we had discussed in the past and determined that now would have been the suited time to do so. We put a suggestion thread out as assist us in helping us determine which items could be implemented without causing to much of a delay on pending projects.

    The outstanding bugs (those of course which can be fixed without a major re-work of a given system) will be addressed.

    An update announcement will be made when we have updates for either the Visual Extension package or that of the Q400 itself.

  • Enjoying the Visual Extension package! TruGlass, PBR, HUD and night lighting are a nice improvement. But flying in P3D4.5 in clouds at dusk, noticed a strange HUD-shaped white polygon artifact on the front window, even tho the HUD is stowed. Anyone else seeing this, or ideas on what might be causing it?

  • @ChuckO
    Good to hear you are enjoying the visual package. Thank you for the heads up regarding the artifact issue in version 4.5. Are you able to replicate it, and if so under what conditions (is it always at dusk)?


  • @ChuckO ,

    We found the issue regarding your report and will provide a fix in an upcoming patch...thx

  • edited September 2021

    Getting the same artifact as ChuckO.

  • Getting the same effect when ascending or descending through clouds; any time of day or night.

  • Now, after I could successfully install it, it looks good. But when selecting the airplane, it jumps up and down like a rocket out of control and finally crashes the sim. Something seems not to be right with the flight dynamics or at least with the elevation as soon as the visual update is installed. Before that, I've downloaded the newest version of the original plane again and then installed the visual update. No further changes. Even slew mode can't make it stand still on the ground. So it's unusable at the moment for me. What could be wrong here?

  • Hi Majestic! Why are the aircraft lights looking like this after the Visual upgrade? Thanks!

  • edited October 2021
    Hi how goes it? Are you using any bloom feature, be it in sim or third party?
  • edited October 2021

    Hi. I have this "little" problem in my cockpit:

    Exterior seems OK.

    P3D v5.2, EA on, HDR off, EnvShade installed...

    What can I do?

    PS: addon purchased today.

    It was FSLabs spotlights.

  • Would not have figured that one out, as I have never used their product. Thank you for the heads up.
  • Hello, while I don't have the above lights issues in the cockpit - I do have the weird light reflection issue outside where the lights reflecting on the engine sides are just insanely bright. I did remove FSL Spotlights from my system and this did not seem to change anything. I've also restored the original reflection map file in P3D ( The light issue started right after installing the Visual Upgrade addon - I did not have such issue before that.

    To be honest I'm rather baffled at the lack of any actual change this €25 upgrade package brings. I've been flying the MJC Q400 for a very long time and I could say I'm very familiar with its ins and outs however I honestly failed to see any difference after purchasing the mentioned update. The only visual upgrade was the slight light glare on the overhead switches when flying in the dark. I was rather on the fence before purchasing the update package and as it seems at the moment - sadly it looks like I've made the wrong choice pulling the trigger on it.

    What happened with you Majestic? You used to be the pinnacle of whenever someone mentioned "the best flightsim addons" and now this just seems like a cash-grab. No wonder the product description is as vague as they come on the update.

    I still do love the addon but the update package is just something you guys should've either not done at all or released as a free update.

    Kind regards!

  • edited October 2021

    Hi again,

    Just to add to the above, i've completely uninstalled and reinstalled both the original Q400 package and the visual update and done a bunch of comparison photos which in fact have raised more questions than answers.

    Here are the comparison shots.

    • Several improvements of the virtual cockpit markings resolution
      I can't see any improvements on the markings on these pictures comparing them in full screen - side by side. Can you please point some out? Thank you!

    • Added simulated reflections on the cockpit controls and switches for the better night visibility
      I can't see any added reflections on the cockpit controls on these pictures comparing them in full screen - side by side. Can you please point some out? Thank you!

    • Improved realism due to usage of PBR materials for the exterior model and the virtual cockpit
      I can't see any difference in how the materials look in the cockpit except for a few (not all) of the overhead switches eg: the battery switches. External model looks to have something else weird going on. While it seems to multiply the amount of light that the plane itself creates (taxi/landing lights) - it seems to completely lack any kind of reflections from Dynamic Lights at the airport.

    This is something that is very visible on the "Side View" comparison shots - you'll notice that on the before shot the aircraft is slightly lit up by the orange glow of the Dynamic apron lights which even cast a slightly visible shadow under the airplane. Whereas on the after shot you'll see the aircraft reflecting in a blueish tint which does not match the surrounding light color temperature at all and looks to be out of place. Also the shadow is gone from underneath the aircraft.

    I'm not trying to diss Majestic in any way but I just fail to understand what I actually got from a paid update package that cost 1/3 of the addons original price.

    Hoping to hear from you soon!
    Best Regards,

  • Just wondering why to spend time and effort to detail passenger cabin or rivets outside? If u did proper shadow model or make volumetric lights i would buy this package in the blink of my eye.

  • > @Artur said:
    > Just wondering why to spend time and effort to detail passenger cabin or rivets outside? If u did proper shadow model or make volumetric lights i would buy this package in the blink of my eye.

    Thank you for your input. Unfortunately we will not be able to please everyone regarding this visual package project. Work is still being done on the project so we'll have to wait to see what changes or improvements are implemented by our modeling group.
  • Kroswynd - sorry for my harsh words, i didn't want to sound like that. My point is that Q400 is study level plane and i suppose that very small amount of users care about improvements done to passenger area. Q400 is brilliant but already old plane and needs improvements to be up to present standards - that is sure, but do that with consultation with potential customers to be sure that ur efforts will be paid back.

  • edited November 2021

    Your words were not considered harsh. As a consumer one has the right to share their opinion regarding the purchase. It gives the developer a variance of feedback to know how the product was received and how best to attempt to correct/enhance the product if capable of doing so.

    Also be aware - that the more time we put into this, as yes, we do know that it is an aged product, the more time that the other projects on our road map will be further delayed.


    +Several improvements of the virtual cockpit markings resolution
    I can't see any improvements on the markings on these pictures comparing them in full screen - side by side. Can you please point some out? Thank you!

    The VC was upgraded to use PBR materials, its appearance now is more dependent upon the particular graphics card in use by the user. It is possible that the HDR sliders will need to be adjusted to allow for any extreme brightness/contrast on one's computer.

    +Added simulated reflections on the cockpit controls and switches for the better night visibility
    I can't see any added reflections on the cockpit controls on these pictures comparing them in full screen - side by side. Can you please point some out? Thank you!

    We have made "some" enhancements to the existing product to bring it up to "most" of the available standards within the simulation platform, and work on this is still in progress as we plan on pushing another update for the Visual Extension Package "after" the release of the TRAINING Edition. We will be providing more information when the modeling team approves items to be shown. It may or may not be up to what you expect, and if it is not all we can say is we apologize for not meeting your standards.

    +Improved realism due to usage of PBR materials for the exterior model and the virtual cockpit
    I can't see any difference in how the materials look in the cockpit except for a few (not all) of the overhead switches eg: the battery switches. External model looks to have something else weird going on. While it seems to multiply the amount of light that the plane itself creates (taxi/landing lights) - it seems to completely lack any kind of reflections from Dynamic Lights at the airport.

    Looking at some of your images for example the exterior lighting - it would appear that you are using bloom effect which when used has the tendency to over-exaggerate the appearance of the taxi and landing lights.

    Our primary focus on this project from day one to re-create/simulate a product as close as possible to the real world aircraft from a systems perspective with which we were able to achieve quite well. Since then, from a visual perspective a lot has been implemented into the simulation platform to enhance visuals - some of which when we tested the feasibility of implementation it impacted fps significantly which for us was not an acceptable route based on the way the aircraft has been developed.

  • edited November 2021


    It seems the visual enhancement package has ruined my cockpit lighting: no 'spots' on the glareshield anymore. Uninstalled the Dash and re-installed WITHOUT the visual enhancement package and all is back to normal.

    Any clue ... ?

    Thx and regards, Willem

  • @WGMD said:

    It seems the visual enhancement package has ruined my cockpit lighting: no 'spots' on the glareshield anymore. Uninstalled the Dash and re-installed WITHOUT the visual enhancement package and all is back to normal.

    Any clue ... ?

    Thx and regards, Willem

    If you are referring to the finger marks they should still be visible as there was not a a major rework to the flight deck upon the initial release.

    Now you reference cockpit lighting, the lighting is brighter, if you are by chance a third party utility to control lights this could cause some inconsistency with the lighting which may require some tweaking or removing for proper results.

    Keep us posted.

  • Kroswynd, hi!

    I am in ctc with Oleksiy abt same. The storm lights are ok WITHOUT the visual enhancement package installed and INOP with the package installed.
    I do have a brand new W10 setup and P3D v5.3. All the same as in v5.2. Nothing changed.

    Any clue?

    Best regards, Willem

  • edited January 2022

    @kroswynd said:

    I bought the mjc8-400-pro from Simmarket back in Feb 2021, but cannot see the Majestic Software Q400 Visual Package update in my account.
    This is all I see in my simmarket downloads : mjc8-400-Pro-1_021_x64-inst.exe
    How do I get this visual update?

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